Monday, February 4, 2008

Highlight of the Day

So while I was brushing my teeth I decided to have a little chat with my mom. I always brush out of the bathroom. :)
Me: Hey mom, what's your favorite movie?
Mom: Hm... well I have lots.
Me: Just name one of them.
Mom: Umm... Gone With the Wind.

Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHA.. {part where I start cracking up}

Mom: What's so funny?

Me: Well there's all these movies these days that you've watched... and you pick such an old one! How classic. :)

Mom: ...

Me: That SO goes on my blog!

And, there you have it. Make any sense? No, of course not. You should NEVER expect that from my posts. I should write a list of rules... Hm... Remind me later, Ralph. :)

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