Friday, November 30, 2007

[Pulls Hair Out Of Head*]

GAH! Adjectives are driving me crazy. Not enough of them for my project! Especially for the fact that they have to be in a foreign language, and that i have VERY limited vocabulary. Ugh, so hasslesome... I was basically watching tv with Ralph the whole day, [well not the WHOLE DAY...] and ive seen some interesting things on Discovery channel... They seriously have COOL stuff on there. Like "How It's Made", and "MythBusters". Its educational, AND interesting at the same time. Amazing huh? :) Everybody get me Toblerone for Christmas! [cough*] But of course, dont expect anything from me. :) [Goes into hibernation to protect myself during Christmas season*] WARN ME WHEN IT'S OVER!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense

The raindrops land on my face
I stumble on
Determined to follow
Its all a blur
As I watch
People move about
I wrap my arms around myself
And wish
For colder weather;


I've been thinking, and it seems that a jacket is really important in one's life. I mean, especially if one wears it alot. People tend to recognize one by their jacket, because a jacket can be really special. I mean, so much to see, feel, remember. Its an exception to the "clothing repeat" rule. A person could be always wearing it, but they wont be bothered upon about the fact that they keep wearing it. :) A jacket has so much character, and could define the person alot. Its a personal item, a thing that never gets old. And even if it does get old, and small, and tattered, it'll still be special. What you wear tells a lot about you, but not necessarily everything. A jacket is there to wrap it up, to keep you warm, to layer your outfit. It could be there to match the rest, could be there to prevent you from freezing, it could be tied around your waist. Whatever your special jacket is for, its special, and im repeating myself. :) I must get back to my Ralph... we're playing Monopoly again. ^^

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Lack of Creative Juices

[Sigh..*] Everyone's been in a sorta bad mood today... WE LOST AT SEMI-FINALS. Oh well. I guess some people just like to mope. :)
You know how everyone refers to "creative juices" as things supposedly in your brain? Why would they say that? I just wonder, how do they know that it's in the brain? What if it's in... the liver? Or some other organ? Maybe inspiration comes from the foot? Haha, that may sound rediculous, but WHO KNOWS?! No one, of course. But maybe, someday i may be right. [Yea, im conceited like that.] :)
So, this one time, i was in the car going somewhere, and i saw a yello fire hydrant. Why do i remember that? I dont really know. But probably because, i dont usually see yello fire hydrants. Aren't they usually red? Also, i dont see fire hydrants, period(.) The thing is, i read some book about keeping a writer's notebook and to record all the things you see, so that you could write about it later. I guess they were right. I should start a writer's notebook. I SHOULD START A WRITER'S NOTEBOOK! Ok then, its decided, Ralph and I will go get a notebook right away. Stashed somewhere around here...
[cyclones through entire place*]
[snatches beat-up notebook*]
And in this beat-up notebook here, i shall keep notes of the tiny little things that will inspire me and my foot. :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense

The moon shines above us all
In the distant
The wind howls in our ears
Bites at what is not covered by cotton
Draws out a path for all things surrendered
The snow covers all that is green
Lands on our shoulders
Turns us white with frost
I'm here
Conquering the cold
With no one to keep me warm
I see your shadow
Blurry beyond the horizon
Gone, forever more

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Day In Events #3

Soo... Today, in class, we were talking about the weekend, and our teacher said, "I saw lots of coyotes. Red coyotes." And then he added, "Because they were run over by lots of cars. Exactly why they're red." We also talked about thermal underwear. Our class had a fit. :) And then, in pe, we played basketball, and we had a game of "white shoes vs. black shoes". It was so racist, i tell you. Later, i had to wash like 50,000,000 dishes, just because it was good development for my character. YEA, THEY SAY THAT IN PRISON, WHEN THE PEOPLE START CHOPPING ROCKS OR SOMETHING. O_o

Then, i had some fun selling hair, for those people who liked to clone others. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY SOME?! ONLY 2.99 + TAX AND SHIPPING! A great deal, a great deal indeed.

I started reading this book, that was about art and stuff. And then i came upon the funniest thing: [not exact quote] When the Germans abolished "degenerate" art, meaning modern art that was disproved by Hitler, they set up a show, to stress the meaning that it was "bad" and "unaccepted". Thus explaining the reason why they were taken away by the government. However, children were not allowed into the show because the art was labled "pornographic". AHAHAHAHA isnt that funny?! :) Ok well, forgive me if you have a bad sense of humor. :P RALPH LIKED IT! :]

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Day in Events #2

So... here we are again. I think my day was pretty okay...
-I woke up pretty late. Yep, didnt get too much sleep the previous day...
-Had a cookie for breakfast. That and some good tasting milk. EXPIRED MILK IS IN THE PAST NOW! Im eating healthy. :)
-Did some math. I felt like i was saving the world from its evil rath... and it almost killed me. [sigh*]
-Started on a charcoal drawing... messed up quite a bit. I think i made some scratches in the paper or something.. ugh.
-Had to go to MT practice. Nervous about Tuesday!! Ate a granola bar that tasted like rat poop.
-Came back from practice and continued on my drawing.
-Tired to strangle my eraser, but then realized it was quite pointless since it was a putty eraser.
-Finished the drawing, then tried to strangle myself because it looked like rat poop.
-Went to dinner, and had jumbo shrimp. HA! Oxymoron. :)
-Ate lots of chocolate... especially TOBLERONE! Yea!
-Fretted over projects, but unfortunately made no progress. ><
-Chatted with Ralph, and came up with ideas for posts. We didnt really have any ideas for posts. But it was still fun chatting. :)

Narrative on a Sunny Day

Hehe, im copying trace with the stories. :] And yes, she let me. ^^ [Narrator]: Once upon a time -
[Narrator #2]: Aw, thats a REALLY boring way to start a story. How bout -
[Narrator]: WAIT! Where did you come from? I thought I was the only narrator. [scratches head*] Hm.
[Narrator #2]: Ok then, now you get to be "Narrator #1".
[Narrator #1]: Oh fine...
[Narrator #2]: Now continuing...
[Narrator #1 & #2]: Again...?
[Narrator #3]: Why, what's wrong with another one? You've got 2 already anyways...
[Narrator #1]: Ok ok...
[Narrator #2]: Continue.
[Narrator #3]: [clears throat*] In a strange and far away place, there was a group.
[Narrator #2]: Yes, a group.
[Narrator #1]: A special group. A special group indeed.
[Narrator #3]: But, this group was strange too.
[Narrator #2]: It had no members. And people still referred to it as a group.
[Narrator #1]: [whispers: "What? That doesnt make sense!"]
[Narrator #3]: [whispers: "Shut it!"]
[Narrator #2]: This group was called, The Group.
[Narrator #1]: Why was it called the The Group? Because people just like the name.
[Narrator #3]: Yes, they liked the name very much. They just plainly like saying the name, over
and over and over again.
[Narrator #2]: Yet though it were nothing, people became entranced by the name.
[Narrator #1]: People absolutely LOVED it. The word "group"suddenly became owned by The
[Narrator #3]: Why did this group have no members? Well that was because -
[Narrator #1]: Because it was "secretive".
[Narrator #2]: Yes, so secretive, that in fact people actually believed that there were no
[Narrator #3]: They thought that it was all a legend, that it didnt really exist.
[Narrator #1]: Yet they still referred to it because the name was so awesome.
[Narrator #2]: Indeed.
[Narrator #3]: Well, nobody knew this, but The Group was in fact made up of fruits.
[Narrator #1]: Yep, all kinds of fruits.
[Narrator #2]: Come back next time to find out more about the fruits!
[Narrator #3]: [whispers: "What? Aw, i wanted to talk more..."]
[Narrator #2]: [whispers: "Im tired, now shut it!]
[Narrator #1]: [sighs*]
Ok, that was really weird. But yes, it will be continued. Maybe. :] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Irrelevant to all this but... Tuesday is Semi-finals! :) Wish us luck! [High-five with Ralph*]

Saturday, November 24, 2007

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"According to my bouncer friend, the thief botched the job and had the police coming from everywhere. He must have panicked when he heard the sirens and tossed the bag away in case the police nabbed him."

Friday, November 23, 2007


My eyes, are dying. Yea, you dont get much sleep after a Thanksgiving party. Seriously. I had a MT meeting today, and i had to wake up early. [yawn*] Ralph has been complaining today, about how i didnt look well. He didnt look well either, with all that going on while we were at the party last night. Well anyways, i dont get how people manage to wake up early for those early-bird specials at electronic stores. Take my dad for example. He woke up early and bought an on-sale notebook, that my friend is currently playing with right now. You know, people like us, with sleeping problems, must be difficult to deal with. I mean, we stay up all night, and yet we act upon others with our half-awake attitudes. It can tick people off, for being so ignorant like that, moody for no apparent reason. Is coffee that evil? No, i dont think so. Same with people who take sleeping pills. I think those dont work very well after the night. Im sure different people have different problems that causes late sleep - there's the lateness of dinner, absence of dinner, things to do before sleep, nothing to do before sleep and leading to straying around the house killing time, uncomfortable temperature, being oversensitive to the noises outside the window and/or to the lights outside your room, forgetting to do so many things after getting into bed then getting out and killing time, or having too much to think about on your mind. Whatever the reason, sleep is essential to our health, and no i am not trying to sound like some snotty doctor. Its just from personal experience, that i realize lack of sleep is bad. Like i said earlier, this kind of stuff can get into cycles, and can be very hard to break. GET YOUR SLEEP!! ITS FREE AND EFFORTLESS! Available at anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Just remember to brush your teeth before, and try not to kill your alarm clock, please.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Turkey is Dead

Yay, its Thanksgiving, and its Kill Turkey Day! Ok well, not really. I mean, usually people just get all excited over shopping, and who cares about Thanksgiving dinner anyways? Yea, they're not that special, but i guess they're pretty cool. I mean, what's more fun than getting pestered by your overly-aged relatives, and being bugged by the little kids that come along with your parent's friend's friend's friend's friend's daughter or son? Yep, it sure is fun. Absolutely nothing better than that. Of course, Black Friday, who really cares? Psh, dinner is better. Or is it? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW! Seriously though, it sometimes can get very annoying by how much holidays get stereotyped. I mean, there's always some kind of "symbol" or "event" for every holiday, even if it may not be accurate. For Thanksgiving, you always picture people eating turkey in a big feast, with all your family. Well, not everyone has turkey right? I mean, ham or chicken or duck is always an option. Its not like turkey is the internation Thanksgiving food. It just happened to represent Thanksgiving. But in my opinion, that comes off to me as inaccurate. Also, you dont have to spend Thanksgiving with your family do you? What if your family is a whole continent away? What if you just want to spend it with your friends? That fine too. Family get annoying anyways . :) And, what if you dont want to have a feast? Its not absolutely necessary for you to eat alot anyways. A little dinner if fine. What if someone chooses to just spend it with their family, playing a board game or watching a scary movie? What if they just want to spend time together, while staying on a healthy diet at the same time? [Mashed potatoes can make you very full, if you havent noticed. Same goes for gravy.] What if they just want to spend the night with a friend, at the mall or something? What if I just want to write posts all night and chat wth Ralph? There are endless possiblities on Thanksgiving day, and its not just restricted to the old dinner with family. Why, swimming on Thanksgiving is fun too! So, with that, i leave you, to get back to my turkey. [Yea, that whole thing was kinda pointless, but oh well. Hey, turkey's not that bad right?] Yea, right. :)
*note: By swimming, i kinda meant indoors, so dont go outside and freeze your butt off.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Your Neighborhood Grocery Store!

Trader Joe's. Organic food seller. Awesome place to buy lots of other stuff. Cabinets full of wine. What more could you want? [Of course, i could care less about the wine, but i do know that they have a pretty good collection. Not that im interested or anything.] :) Those things are not at all things that contributes to why I have a love for Trader Joe's. The main reason... is because of their boards. Yes, i am talking about the chalkboards, the ones that have drawings and prices to promote some items. I think those are just absolutely brilliant. The fact that they put SO much effort into it, it just makes me want to take them home and bring them from the store. Have you ever carefully look at one? Not just glance, or to catch what it said, but to look at one? Each is done with a precision so finite, you'll think its not even chalk. But it is. And because it is chalk, the lettering and the numbers have SUPER awesome shading, with techniques i cannot even describe. I mean, how could you not notice the boards? The are like treasures, even if it is a banana. The banana is pretty good. It looks so realistic, yet so extravagant at the same time. Last time, i was talking to this lady at the food counter where you can get a sample of the promotional food, and i asked her about the boards. She said that yes, they were hand-drawn, and that the artists were very good, and put a lot of work and effort to come in on the mornings and make them. She even thanked me for noticing them. Yep, that lady sure was nice. :) So, next time you do decide to visit Trader Joe's, look at the boards, and see for yourself what i am talking about. Im sure a spectable will behold you. Ralph agrees with me. :] [On the other hand, they also carry Toblerone, making them even more awesome. ^^]

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

...What's In A Title?

I seem to be having trouble these days, coming up with a title for each post. I mean, its just SO complicated to do such a thing. I mean, what would you think if i titled this post, "Ralph"? Yea, exactly. Totally irrelevant. [Refer to bottom of post.] The title is like the thesis sentence in an essay, possibly one of the most complex things in writing. To create a good thesis statement, you must show what your whole essay is about. It also has to be concise and to the point. The title also acts as a hook. With the title, i must learn to phrase it in a way so that it does not sound awkward, and to make it interesting enough to catch the reader's attention. The title also cant be direct. For example, if i am to talk about titles for a WHOLE post, a very boring title would be "Titles". But then, people who havent read the post yet would think that it is weird, because you dont give titles to posts called "Titles". That just comes off as an excuse for not being able to come up with a good title. Of course, i wouldnt want that. I mean, doesnt that come off to you as hard? And also, if i choose to write about something very different than what the title is about, that just makes me weird. The reader will be confused, and refuse to read on any further, BECAUSE the title indicated something they were interested in, but are now no further interested in it BECAUSE the subject has changed to something they dont really care about, SO they dont bother to keep on reading anymore. :) So be wary, TITLE ARE HARD! Therefore i will kick your butt if you comment about my bad or irrelevant titles. IT STATES HERE. So, with that, i shall now continue with my bad titles. THERE'S NO STOPPING ME!! :)

Monday, November 19, 2007


[Sniffles*..] Oh, Im sorry. I seem to be having a cold today. Sort of. Since it's so cold. Excuse me... [blows nose loudly so everyone can hear*..] I was thinking today, while sitting there with Ralph, and it just occured to me that... well, im not sure i know how to say this but... the term "oblivious" is contradicting itself. [Looks sideways skeptically*..] So, if you're describing a event that is something oblivious... it's kinda pointless to say that, since if SUPPOSED to be oblivious. But then again, if you dont point it out, then you will never get to use such a cool word, or show that you know how to use the word, or something. But, pointing out that something is oblivious, totally ruins the fact that it is, because after it is pointed out, then it WONT be oblivious anymore because it has been realized already, and therefore is not being ignored. [Circular reasoning... is inevitable. Blame the keyboard.] Still, its SUCH a cool word, so you just WANT to use it. However, it's one of those words that arent very good to use, because it doesnt make sense if you use it on yourself. For example, if i say: "You know, I really think im quite oblivious to the fact that my teachers arent as bad as i think they are." [Sorry, bad example. Im bad at examples. Its a "me" thing.] So, saying that wouldnt really get you anywhere, except maybe on the road of self-discovery or something. But, its just like i always seem to be OBLIVIOUS to the fact that when i use the word OBLIVIOUS its very pointless. [GAH! I have bad logic skills. This has just turned into a conversation with myself, no need for you to pay attention. Just stare at the pictures or something.] A lot of times when the word is used, it just seems so... IRONIC. The fact that the event is oblivious to someone is suddenly revealed, and that word will not have done anything. Or maybe my thinking's just weird. Well, here's another example: "You know, that cat is really oblivious to the fact that the food is right under her nose, yet she is still begging for food." Ok well, that didnt really make sense either, but you can see that it is used in a different way, to describe someone else instead of yourself. Does this make any difference? I have no idea. But somehow, there's a difference to me between discovering something about someone else, and then discovering something about yourself and then telling it to someone else. Do you think there is a difference? [Scratches head*] Maybe it has something to do about exposing something - it matters more to yourself that you share something about yourself that you didnt know before until you said it, rather than sharing something about someone else that you have recently discovered. Anyways... this has been an interesting road to self discovery... Good night everyone! I shall now go to enjoy my ice cream... :P

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chocolate, Hazelnuts, Coconuts, and Skim Milk...

What do those ingredients make? NUTELLA OF COURSE! Nutella is a spread, that goes on anything! Well, it tastes best with Ralph. Its a cross between chocolate and hazelnut, but overall its just REALLY GOOD. In fact, im eating it right now. I love eating it by itself sometimes, when im bored. Especially yummy when you're occupied, and it can just take your mind off of anything... And then make you go back to the jar and scoop more of that stuff.
It goes WAY back.... when nutella was first produced from a chocolate/hazelnut plant. Of course, chocolate was expensive back then [I think it was in Europe..? Im not sure.], so they decided to substitute some of it with hazelnuts. And then they added skim milk, and some coconuts, and stuff. Well of course, the people LOVED it when it first came out. It was favored by children and adults alike. It went on many things, mostly varieties of bread. This product comes in cans, and can last for A LONG TIME. Nutella is also made from the company, Ferro, the same company as those little gold alluminum foil wrapped chocolate thingies, called Ferro Rochers. It's really good too. Nutella sells in some supermarkets, including Trader Joe's. [Yep, that store is cool.] :) If you hadn't try it, you should! [Well, im not advertising for it or something, but yea.]
*note: The historical facts came from when i watched an episode from Unwrapped, a TV show from the Food Channel. However, i often have anmesia attacks, [or so i think] so some of the stuff may not be EXACTLY as they said it. But something like that.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Lots of cold days, it's getting close to winter. Probably going to expect some rain, with powerful winds that have no mercy. The wet season isnt so bad. Puddles on the floor, moist in the air, a calming feeling, yet exciting at the same time. [Jennifish & Ralph particicularly likes the rain.] Its also cool to watch when it snows, everything looks so beautiful and clean, you want to eat it all. But, once you go close up, you see the little patches of dirt packed in with the snow, and realize that it isnt so clean after all. I dont know what that is supposed to mean, maybe something about not eating snow that looks clean. It can be bad for your stomach...
Anyways, I need to go get new gear soon, for the winter. Like jackets and sweaters, and mittens and ear muffs and scarves. Or maybe i'm just over reacting. T-shirts and shorts work too. [Not.]
I have this strange attraction to the cold, when it's dark in the night, or really early and the sky is still gray. During dusk and dawn in the winter, the setting is just perfect in its own way. Seeing the bright windows in the buildings, imagining the cold air, knowing that I'd rather be outside here than in there. I dont know how to describe it, but I just love it when the wind gives me a chill, no matter if it's a breeze or a big gust. The sky gives me the mood of... something. But it's just really cool when i run out in the open, my feet hitting the concrete, the dark clouds above me... It's not a feeling of depression, but rather something new happening, and all my senses are awake to the cold air. There is also really beautiful scenery during those times, and its as if the weather can be captured in those pictures as well. The breeze ruffles through my hair, and everything else is gone...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Treasure Poem

Tick tock, tick tock

Breathe it in as it goes by

Unable to stop

Rushing past

Accumulating ever more

Tick tock, tick tock

Breathe it in as it dies

Unable to live

Never to be seen again

Tick tock, tick tock

It fails to show us

The past

And pushes us

To the present

Tick tock, tick tock

Fails to leave us records

Of the glorious moments

But we get by

With the vague memories

What will you do

When it's all gone?

Move on,

Of course

...And Where Does The Time Go?

I find myself often having trouble, trying to complete the things I have wanted to do that day. And the thing acting against me? I really don't know. But, i do know that it's somewhere between my lack of time management, getting off track, and not being aware of time as it passes by. I mean, authors and poets and a bunch of other people are always writing about how time flies by, and how you're supposed to manage your time wisely. I've read countless poems, books, and related all talking about time, and how it "passes you by.." I also read this book called The New Policeman, that talks about time and how it was leaking everywhere. Yea, it was a good book. Now, that does sound pretty poetic and cool, but it doesnt really help much. I mean, how are you supposed to manage your time when the wall might as well be absorbing it without you noticing? Or when there is a joker behind your back, quieting changing the clock? However your time goes, it's always unable to gain back. And that's the part i dont get. WHY does it go away and never come back? Is it because we dont deserve to have it back again? Is it because we wont appreciate it even IF it was gained back? Or is it because it doesnt REALLY matter that much, but we just think it does? Or is way more important than we think it to be? [sigh...*] Well, sometimes, i would be doing homework on a weeknight, and SUDDENLY, it would be time to sleep. So, i hurry to squeeze in a shower, but by then my parents would be already snoozing, and i'd quietly go to sleep, vowing that i'll go to sleep earlier the next night. Then in the morning, i'd wake up, and school would be close to starting. My dad and i get caught in the morning rush, and id be late to school, again. It's like a chain, and it always never seems to stop. Im really worried, and i think i should do something about it, NOW. But what? [sigh...*] These days i try hard to go to bed early. The main thing is to go slow: never sleep later than the previous night, and i will have likely sucess. However, if you do happen to sleep later than the night before, then you will probably create a chain, and sleep later and later and later until... you sleep so less you get the bags under your eyes, like the ones i have now. No, it's not a good thing, but it can be prevented. I really need to increase my morale, and be motivated. Eh, enough of my blabbering. I'm sure Ralph is very bored of this. If you have any suggestions as to my time/sleep problem feel free to comment. Or if you want to say anything about the absorbing wall thing. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Annoyances and Favorites and Such

Again, i have run out of things to say. However, now i can go on and on about the things you should know about me. [a.k.a.: more stuff to blabber about.]
1. I like pi.
2. Pi is awesome.
3. So is cheese.
4. This blog is not very interesting/entertaining, but why would i care what you have to say about it? :)
5. I play the flute. [Yea, i suck.]
6. My favorite board game is Monopoly.
7. My future business career would have to be accounting.
8. I like to criticize. Other people's things, of course.
9. I like all things ambiguous, including the word itself.
10. I get annoyed when someone uses the same word over and over again. For example in an essay, the adjectives gets used 10 times, thats REALLY annoying. [ahem*.]
11. I dont like to do things when i am told to.
12. However, i like to do things BEFORE you tell me to do them.
13. Im an egoist, just like everyone else. But only on the inside. :)
14. History is my favorite subject.
15. Then again, history gets boring sometimes.
16. Personally, i dont like P.E. very much.
17. Homework is not always first priority. :]
18. I could finish a Tolberone bar before you could even ask if i wanted it.
19. Then again, im not so sure you would want to give it to me...
20. I like to be modest.
21. I like to contradict myself.
22. I'd like to tell you that #20 is very contradictory. :)
23. I love ice cream.
24. I eat ice cream basically EVERY night before i go to bed.
25. My favorite ice cream brand is Ben & Jerry's. :)
26. However, ice cubes come before ice cream.
27. My favorite TV show is Mythbusters.
28. My favorite movies is The Dead Poets Society.
29. I hate my dentist.
30. I like to play games on my DS. Of course, Animal Crossing is my current favorite.
31. I sometimes solve sudoku puzzles to pass time.
32. Numbers are cool... especially if they're ongoing. Like pi.
33. My favorite number is 21.
34. I love it when things are out of order. Like how they are now, not being in categories.
35. Seeing people jump makes me tired, even though i may not be doing anything.
36. I seem to have a good chemistry with chemistry.
37. I like art. Well, the coloring part at least. But my drawing is bad. :]
38. I like things to be neat and organized.
39. I'm not very neat or organized.
40. My goal would be to be neat and organized.
41. But i'm pretty sure you wouldn't really want to hear about my goals..
42. 6 x 7 = 42! My awesome math. Not.
43. I like to eat. As long as it's appealing.
44. Appealing foods include: tomato soup noodles, tomatoes, stir-fry tomatoes, tomato soup, potatoes, ox tail soup, brocolli and cream soup, chocolate, butter, butter with Ralph, the list goes on.
45. Memorizing stuff is fun.
46. Eating chocolate is fun.
47. Playing games is fun.
48. Writing on my blog is fun.
49. Contradicting myself is fun.
50. Making no sense if fun.
51. Confusing the reader to no return is fun.
52. Typingwithoutspacesisfun.
53. I like pi.
54. And now i'm back to be beginning.
55. Wait, hold on.
56. I think it would be better if i ended on 60.
57. Wouldn't you think so too?
58. Ok, ok. Almost there...
59. I like pi.
60. And now i'm back to the beginning.
[Phew.*] [Wipes sweat off of face*] Joking. Of course i didnt sweat. Except maybe my fingers..they're slightly sore. Need a massage. [Off to get a finger massage. Be back tomorrow.*]

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Butter is Better

Butter. Butter. Butter. BUTTERBUTTERBUTTER. :] Butter is better. Than what? Margarine, of course! It's yummy, and delicious, and wonderful, and scrumptious, and lots lots more... It's also good with bread, baked potatoes, and seaweed. Yep, Ralph tastes great with it. No offense Ralph. :) [I've never tried it with noodles before, so maybe i should.] My favorite kind is the spreadable one, preferably light with low fat and sodium. Which makes it healthier. :) It's also a GREAT spread. I mean, there's just so MANY great things about butter. But you're just probably too stupid to understand my meaning of butter... Joking. :] Yea, butter and I have this special connection, and you are unable to interfere.
*note: [Yea, i like writing these notes. Too bad if you dont like them (JENNIFISH!) ] When eating butter with seaweed, try not to kill yourself, because it really is hard to eat it like that. You have to have a specially technique, which only i posess. :)
Yesterday was our MT team's 2nd round, and we won! Which means we're going to quarter finals with several other really good teams. WHICH MEANS WE JUST MIGHT MAKE IT TO SEMI-FINALS! THEN BECOME CHAMPIONS! But before we get there, we have to go through all the other teams first, meaning we MUST be prepared. Wish us luck! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Harms of Milk

Milk. It's a dairy product. It has lots of calcium. Moms say it's really good for you. So does everyone else in the whole entire world. But, do you know what biotechnology these days has done to the milk you drink? DO YOU?! Well, for a first, consider the milk that you drink. Is it organic? Is there anything special about it? If it's not organic, how often do you drink it? Well, the reason why i'm asking these questions is because IF THE MILK YOU DRINK IS not ORGANIC, IT'S VERY LIKELY IT HAS A CHEMICAL IN IT, THAT CAN CAUSE GREAT HARM. Monsanto, a chemical company, [which i have issues against] has brought out to the farming industry a chemical that can be injected into cows. Why would farmers want to inject some thingy into their cow? Because this specific chemical is actually a chemically constructed hormone. It boosts the hormones of the cow, and causes the cow to produce more milk, therefore meaning the farmer recieves more profit. It's tradename, the name it is given on the market, is called Posilac, otherwise rBGH/rBST. This stands for recombinant bovine growth hormone. The harm? It causes the drinker of the milk of the injected cow to have CANCER. Yes, drinking milk can cause CANCER. It also causes the cows to have an infection of the udder, meaning that their PUS is left in our milk. It's true. And all because of Monsanto. And biotechnology. But dont forget Monsanto. MONSANTO!! :) Well, this of course if a very bad thing. Its allowed by the FDA [for what reason? well nobody knows.] so "technically" its safe. But i dont really think so. prepared! Drink organic milk! Either that, or milk that is labled as milk not from cows injected with the rBGH thingy. Or soymilk. That's good too. Ralph likes organic milk. Isnt that right, Ralph? " Y-E-S-S-S-S ! " :)
For more information: visit or Both are really great links, read if you can. Now..i shall get back to my ice cream... ice cream with non-rBGH milk from treated cows, that is. :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Journey of a Blue Sailor

"Oh, I wish I were a duck.
Hey! Look I already am.
What a stroke of luck,
Glad I'm not a purple ham!"
Those are the famous words of Quack, the Blue Sailor from this awesome TV show, Peep and the Big Wide World. Among these are many other songs, all sung by this quirky little exuberant duck, with his sailor hat. His friends include: a beaver, pond fish, a chick, a robin, a turtle, and more. [Jennifish is one of his fishies in his pond. Guess which one?] Quack can be really blunt sometimes, so much that you would want to smack yourself on the head. But, as the duck with the most character, he's just so much more adorable. You can also catch him ocassionally with his genius moments. To watch some of his videos, [well technically speaking, Peep's videos] go to If you like to swim, love to wear your sailor hat, adore yourself, or you're blue and eggplant shaped, then we're sure you will have a LOT in common with him.
*note: Again, Jennifish was co-author. This was totally her topic. But i think Quack still rocks. And so does Ralph.

The Clashes Between Evil and Good!

Let's take a guess at what i'm talking about. Peace vs. war? The bond market vs. the stock market? The angels vs. the devils? The Angels vs. the Dodgers? Vampires vs. werewolves? Pie vs. cake? Vanilla vs. chocolate? Puppies vs. kitties? PCs vs. laptops? Film vs. SD cards? Water vs. fire? Oh, this is going on forever. Why dont i just get to the point. Im talking about the clashes between BAND AND ORCHESTRA! It is a known fact that people in Band and people in Orchestra are always contradictory against each other, and it is inevitable. [Of course, choir isnt part of this since it doesnt come close to either band or orchestra. Full orchestras and jazz bands are also excluded.] Often, Band people are proud of the fact that they are the gatherers of attention, that they play loud enough for the audience to hear, as well as enjoy their arousing music. Meanwhile, Orchestra people can play at soft sounds, and create different moods that dazzle the listeners. It's the woodwinds, brass, and percussion against the strings. Which is better? Well, if you asked a Band member, of course they would say Band. The reasons? They would respond the reasons i have stated about. If i asked an Orchestra member, they would say Orchestra, and also for the reasons i have stated above. [It's a mutal thing.] However, no matter how different Band and Orchestra may seem, we often do stuff together, like performances. I mean, it's all just music right? People in these groups hang out with each other, and its like just a HUGE family. Of course, with the complications. [Those are inevitable.] So, in conclusion, i would like to say that...BAND ROCKS!! :) [slap* from Orchestra member] OWOWOWOW... ok ok..fine. They're both awesome, which is true. Its just that sometimes our ego gets in the way of how we get along. [Of course, we never really did get along in the beginning...] :] *note: Yes, i am in Band. And if by any chance someone wants to comment on that...well...just make sure its a nice comment. *note: Yep, there was a co-author to this post. Her name is Jennifish, and she's an Orchestra member. So is Ralph. He plays his huge bass bread. *note: Jennifish whisphers: "ORCHESTRA ROCKS!!" [gets kicked in the shin by me*] "OWOWOWOW...not." *note: Uh, i need to work on my attacking skills.

The Tomato

Fruit or vegetable? Red or orange? Yummy or delicious? I may not know the answer to the first 2 questions, but I am absolutely certain that TOMATOES MUST BE THE AWESOMEST THING THERE IS ON THE WHOLE PLANET! My diet consists of practically 30% tomatoes, and I tell you , that is A LOT. You wouldnt believe how awesome it tastes, as well as healthy. [Of course, the tomatoes I eat are USDA certified organic, and bought from the farmer's markets.] I eat it with noodles, soup, stir-fry, and A LOT more. It's copious in Vitamin C, and makes the world go round. Any recipies that I know how to make involves the tomato. If I wanted to, I could actually LIVE off of that stuff. First, there's stir-fry tomato and egg. Then, there's tomato soup noodles. These foods are made often by me, as well as my parents. The tomato is my bestest buddy in the world! :] The recipie I mentioned earlier: Stir-fry tomato and egg Ingredients: -tomatoes [2] -eggs [2] -soy sauce -salt -chicken broth [optional for more flavoring] Directions: 1. Cut the tomatoes into slices 2. Break the eggs, then beat until smooth 3. Add a hint of soy sauce into the egg 4. Add small amount of oil into pan 5. Turn on fire under cooking pan 6. Pour eggs into pan 7. Stir until eggs are solid 8. Empty eggs into other bowl and out of pan 9. Add more oil to pan 10. Throw in tomatoes 11. Add a little salt 12. Stir occasionaly 13. Add in eggs when tomatoes are well cooked 14. Add chicken broth for additional flavor [Actual cooking on the stove should take no more than about 7-9 minutes. Unless you aim to have it burnt or something.] Enjoy! *note: When I say that tomatoes are my bestest buddy, I mean that they are ONE of my bestest buddies. Meaning that there's still space for you, Ralph. No harm meant. I hope you'll still be one of my bestest buddies. *note: I am not responsible more any damaged caused by your pathetic attempt at cooking, and I will never be. Cook at your own risk. Dont burn yourself too bad. Unless you like to have skin grafts. Thats another story. But, remember, TOMATOES ROCK! [Of course, not as much as I do, since im so awesome at cooking them.] :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Day in Events #1

It's almost winter, and I'm cold. But that's not very strange. I guess I just like circular reasoning. So, now that I've sorta run out of any interesting things to say, I shall describe to you my day, with slight modifications. Of course, I'm sure you wont mind if it's all fiction. It'll probably be more fun to read anyway. :] -Ate breakfast: expired bread + yucky tasting milk [that was probably expired too] -Did some homework. WAIT. DID I? WHERE'D IT GO?! ... -Tore through my closet, looking for a hat. I found one, but it turned out to be defective in the use of warming my ears. -Went to exchange shoes at the shoe store for MT performance on Tuesday. My old high heels were killing me. They should be called "high hells" instead. [and no, that was not cussing, because apparently in the bible "hell" is an actual place.] :) -Was called to lunch, sat down at table, and tasted noodles. Turns out, it was slightly uncooked, along with the egg. So I broke the egg by accident, since the yolk was still watery. And guess what? I ended up having to drink eggnog with tomato flavoring. And a lot of salt i added in, because it tasted so bad. But it just made it a lot worse. Summary: bad lunch. -Parents said something about stove, clogged. Used sewing needle, then poked at holes in stove top. Stove was suddenly unclogged, and the clogged stove was the reason why my lunch was uncooked and ended up as salty eggnog plus tomato flavoring. [blink*] I wish that sewing needle was there sooner...>< -Did some more homework, until my brain nearly burst because my efficiency rate was so slow.... -Went to MT practice. Got there a couple minutes late, as usual. It was cold. It was freezing. It was chilly. [Sorry, but doesnt really have anymore synonyms.] Any chance of a warm air molecule being in the air was obliterated. -Snatched away from MT practice, later than expected. Coach yelled for wasting their time, by not calling for rides earlier. Cannot even describe the feeling when I stepped into the car. [sigh.*] -Captured as prisoner at parents' friend's house for most of the night. Unavailable computer. [arrg.*] -Dinner = lots of seafood. But mostly crabs and coke. [dont ask.] -Bored to death, after finishing half of a really long novel, doing all the errands on Animal Crossing, and nagging my parents about going home. It was amazing how I managed to drag them back to the car. Again, relief when stepping into car. -Right now, I think my toes are dead. -SUDDENLY, OUT OF NOWHERE, A HUGE PIECE OF BREAD WENT INTO MY ROOM FROM MY WINDOW, AND SAT DOWN. It said [in a really loud voice], " H-E-L-L-O T-H-E-R-E ! W-O-U-L-D Y-O-U L-I-K-E T-O T-E-L-L M-E A S-T-O-R-Y?" -So, here I am, typing at the keyboard, with a huge piece of bread next to me, reading about my day. -It's a guy, and his name is Ralph. -Say hi Ralph! -Ralph: " H-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I ! " -And Ralph says that he's multi-grain, and very healthy. :) -Ralph is nice. And yummy too. :] Its nice to have non-expired bread once in a while... So, there you go. That was my outrageously normal [and long] day. Of course, it could've been funner... but I'm not that creative. Sincerly sorry for wasting your time with my blabbiness. [And inablity to spell.] Oh, and Ralph wants to say something. -Ralph: " B-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-E-E-E-E-E !" Oh geez, now i've got a bunch of nuts from a certain someone stuck in my keyboard... >.< *note: Again, i have no intentions of tampering/endorsing the copyright thingy, i just mentioned it because i really did go on there, since i was curious as to how many relative words there was to "cold". FYI, not many. *note: My windows do not open. They're like screens, and glass. And it is utterly impossible for any object to travel through it, unless its an air molecule. :] Have a nice day! I hope you had one that was better than me!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Joy of Pi

Do you like pi? I like pi. I mean, the irregular mathematical constant. Did I mention I like pi? Yea, its been my thing for a while. I practically WORSHIP March 14th, Pi Day. It's like HOLY. ^^ Here are all the digits I have memorized so far... 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038... Its not much, but like maybe around 200 something... I have a forgetful memory these days, so the numbers get lost really easily. But, I'm sure I'll prepare for Pi Day! My goal is 300 digits, and with intensive studying while not breaking my noggin, maybe I'll manage it. ^^
*note: The Joy Of Pi is an actual book, and I have no intentions of stealing the copyright or whatever, no matter how cool it is and I would love to take credit for its brilliance. But then I would get in legal trouble for that, so that would be bad. :]

Friday, November 9, 2007

It's a Wild World!

Ok so, there's this REALLY cool game for the DS, [yes, I have a DS] and it's called Animal Crossing: Wild World. You get to live in this made up animal world, where you are the only human. Aspects of this game include: very expensive rent, sharing a house with up to 3 other people, sending mail to your neighbors, selling junk to a neighborhood store, collecting fruits for a living, fishing for profit, hunting for bugs, updating your neighborhood museum, digging for fossils, receiving bottle mail, making friends, chatting with friends about current events, buying clothes, designing clothes, decorating your house with furniture, collecting hats and umbrellas, splashing in the rain/snow, planting flowers, planting trees, pulling out weeds, watering flowers, collecting sea shells, making snowmen, creating constellations, drinking coffee and listening to music on late nights, donating money to a neighborhood town, connecting to other DS's with the same game, and LOTS LOTS LOTS more. :] This game is the ABSOLUTE BEST, and there is SO much more stuff to do! Overall, its a really fun game, and you can get lost in your own little world... and make lots of money to pay your mortgage. That too. ^^ Now, let me get back to my game...[rubs hands together to commence playing]. OH SHOOT! Out of batteries..darn. I guess I'll just go do something educational...again. >.<

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Organic Cheese

I practically worship the god, ChEeSe. He is like, AWESOME. You know, the one from Fosters'? :] I like swiss cheese too. There's also this one game on Cartoon Network, called Cheese Quest 3D: The Brother Lady Saga. And its like SO cool. You get to collet chocolate milk and apple juice and stuff. I call him organic cheese because his thinking is just ^^ So, today, we were talking about colonial cakes during our presentation, and I asked my teacher a supposedly trick question. It went something like,"In colonial times, chefs used rare spices, and different types of cheese to make cakes. True or false?" And she said, "Cheese? hm.." Then all the students went "Well, yea. Cheese cake!" Then everyone laughed, and we got on with our presentation. Anyways, this just proves, how important cheese is in our lives. :] There are other characters also, that are like really cool. Like Wilt. AWESOMENESS! :] And like, he's this super tall basketball player, that has one and a half arms. ^^ And there's a WHOLE bunch of other characters. :] In summation, Foster's is just plain awesomeness. ^^

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Order in the court!!

Monday was our awesome mock trial competition, and we rocked the courthouse! [dances to some invisible beat*] We were against some weird team, and we kicked their butts. ^^ For witness, I got 13 out of 15. Which could've been better, but oh well. Our whole team scored 234 out of 250. ^^ Teamwork is really important in these kinds of competitions, and so is perserverance. As you can see, our scores definetly do prove how much time we put into these things. Next Tuesday is the 2nd round. :] Awesome lawyers on our team, and excellent witnesses. Great clerks and baliffs. Also lots of thanks to our coach!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Ambiguousness Of Random Things

This is another one of those awesome google sites, that I'm sure I'll fall in love with. :] As a teenager, I should probably be on like MySpace or something. But I'm sure there's much more educational stuff to read on here. [RIGHT, OAT? ADNAP?] Er.. well thats only if you belong in an insane asylum and you dont know the meaning of educational. :] Oh geez, the first post is sure hard. Eh...maybe I'm just thinking too much. Oh wait, if im writing about my thinking too much while I'm trying to think...O_o I LIKE PI! ^^