Friday, November 23, 2007


My eyes, are dying. Yea, you dont get much sleep after a Thanksgiving party. Seriously. I had a MT meeting today, and i had to wake up early. [yawn*] Ralph has been complaining today, about how i didnt look well. He didnt look well either, with all that going on while we were at the party last night. Well anyways, i dont get how people manage to wake up early for those early-bird specials at electronic stores. Take my dad for example. He woke up early and bought an on-sale notebook, that my friend is currently playing with right now. You know, people like us, with sleeping problems, must be difficult to deal with. I mean, we stay up all night, and yet we act upon others with our half-awake attitudes. It can tick people off, for being so ignorant like that, moody for no apparent reason. Is coffee that evil? No, i dont think so. Same with people who take sleeping pills. I think those dont work very well after the night. Im sure different people have different problems that causes late sleep - there's the lateness of dinner, absence of dinner, things to do before sleep, nothing to do before sleep and leading to straying around the house killing time, uncomfortable temperature, being oversensitive to the noises outside the window and/or to the lights outside your room, forgetting to do so many things after getting into bed then getting out and killing time, or having too much to think about on your mind. Whatever the reason, sleep is essential to our health, and no i am not trying to sound like some snotty doctor. Its just from personal experience, that i realize lack of sleep is bad. Like i said earlier, this kind of stuff can get into cycles, and can be very hard to break. GET YOUR SLEEP!! ITS FREE AND EFFORTLESS! Available at anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Just remember to brush your teeth before, and try not to kill your alarm clock, please.

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