Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Your Neighborhood Grocery Store!

Trader Joe's. Organic food seller. Awesome place to buy lots of other stuff. Cabinets full of wine. What more could you want? [Of course, i could care less about the wine, but i do know that they have a pretty good collection. Not that im interested or anything.] :) Those things are not at all things that contributes to why I have a love for Trader Joe's. The main reason... is because of their boards. Yes, i am talking about the chalkboards, the ones that have drawings and prices to promote some items. I think those are just absolutely brilliant. The fact that they put SO much effort into it, it just makes me want to take them home and bring them from the store. Have you ever carefully look at one? Not just glance, or to catch what it said, but to look at one? Each is done with a precision so finite, you'll think its not even chalk. But it is. And because it is chalk, the lettering and the numbers have SUPER awesome shading, with techniques i cannot even describe. I mean, how could you not notice the boards? The are like treasures, even if it is a banana. The banana is pretty good. It looks so realistic, yet so extravagant at the same time. Last time, i was talking to this lady at the food counter where you can get a sample of the promotional food, and i asked her about the boards. She said that yes, they were hand-drawn, and that the artists were very good, and put a lot of work and effort to come in on the mornings and make them. She even thanked me for noticing them. Yep, that lady sure was nice. :) So, next time you do decide to visit Trader Joe's, look at the boards, and see for yourself what i am talking about. Im sure a spectable will behold you. Ralph agrees with me. :] [On the other hand, they also carry Toblerone, making them even more awesome. ^^]


Anonymous said...

Is Trader Joe's that good? I don't know where it is. Sounds old fashioned as in "back in the day" kinda sounding. The name is kinda old fashioned too... Lol. Sounds fun. ^^

sharon said...

OMG YOU'VE GOT TO BE kidding ME. YOU HAVENT BEEN TO TRADER JOE'S??! That's a once in a lifetime experience! You idiot... ><

Anonymous said...

Well my mom hasn't even heard of the place! How am I supposed to get there? Besides, she thinks 168 and CVS is closer... Less money on gas. :]