Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Day in Events #1

It's almost winter, and I'm cold. But that's not very strange. I guess I just like circular reasoning. So, now that I've sorta run out of any interesting things to say, I shall describe to you my day, with slight modifications. Of course, I'm sure you wont mind if it's all fiction. It'll probably be more fun to read anyway. :] -Ate breakfast: expired bread + yucky tasting milk [that was probably expired too] -Did some homework. WAIT. DID I? WHERE'D IT GO?! ... -Tore through my closet, looking for a hat. I found one, but it turned out to be defective in the use of warming my ears. -Went to exchange shoes at the shoe store for MT performance on Tuesday. My old high heels were killing me. They should be called "high hells" instead. [and no, that was not cussing, because apparently in the bible "hell" is an actual place.] :) -Was called to lunch, sat down at table, and tasted noodles. Turns out, it was slightly uncooked, along with the egg. So I broke the egg by accident, since the yolk was still watery. And guess what? I ended up having to drink eggnog with tomato flavoring. And a lot of salt i added in, because it tasted so bad. But it just made it a lot worse. Summary: bad lunch. -Parents said something about stove, clogged. Used sewing needle, then poked at holes in stove top. Stove was suddenly unclogged, and the clogged stove was the reason why my lunch was uncooked and ended up as salty eggnog plus tomato flavoring. [blink*] I wish that sewing needle was there sooner...>< -Did some more homework, until my brain nearly burst because my efficiency rate was so slow.... -Went to MT practice. Got there a couple minutes late, as usual. It was cold. It was freezing. It was chilly. [Sorry, but doesnt really have anymore synonyms.] Any chance of a warm air molecule being in the air was obliterated. -Snatched away from MT practice, later than expected. Coach yelled for wasting their time, by not calling for rides earlier. Cannot even describe the feeling when I stepped into the car. [sigh.*] -Captured as prisoner at parents' friend's house for most of the night. Unavailable computer. [arrg.*] -Dinner = lots of seafood. But mostly crabs and coke. [dont ask.] -Bored to death, after finishing half of a really long novel, doing all the errands on Animal Crossing, and nagging my parents about going home. It was amazing how I managed to drag them back to the car. Again, relief when stepping into car. -Right now, I think my toes are dead. -SUDDENLY, OUT OF NOWHERE, A HUGE PIECE OF BREAD WENT INTO MY ROOM FROM MY WINDOW, AND SAT DOWN. It said [in a really loud voice], " H-E-L-L-O T-H-E-R-E ! W-O-U-L-D Y-O-U L-I-K-E T-O T-E-L-L M-E A S-T-O-R-Y?" -So, here I am, typing at the keyboard, with a huge piece of bread next to me, reading about my day. -It's a guy, and his name is Ralph. -Say hi Ralph! -Ralph: " H-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I ! " -And Ralph says that he's multi-grain, and very healthy. :) -Ralph is nice. And yummy too. :] Its nice to have non-expired bread once in a while... So, there you go. That was my outrageously normal [and long] day. Of course, it could've been funner... but I'm not that creative. Sincerly sorry for wasting your time with my blabbiness. [And inablity to spell.] Oh, and Ralph wants to say something. -Ralph: " B-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-E-E-E-E-E !" Oh geez, now i've got a bunch of nuts from a certain someone stuck in my keyboard... >.< *note: Again, i have no intentions of tampering/endorsing the copyright thingy, i just mentioned it because i really did go on there, since i was curious as to how many relative words there was to "cold". FYI, not many. *note: My windows do not open. They're like screens, and glass. And it is utterly impossible for any object to travel through it, unless its an air molecule. :] Have a nice day! I hope you had one that was better than me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ralph... Yay... Btw, did you just make up "Ralph" randomly? Cuz "Bob" is commonly used so ur brain switched off. Or maybe I'm talking nonsense.