Monday, November 12, 2007

The Clashes Between Evil and Good!

Let's take a guess at what i'm talking about. Peace vs. war? The bond market vs. the stock market? The angels vs. the devils? The Angels vs. the Dodgers? Vampires vs. werewolves? Pie vs. cake? Vanilla vs. chocolate? Puppies vs. kitties? PCs vs. laptops? Film vs. SD cards? Water vs. fire? Oh, this is going on forever. Why dont i just get to the point. Im talking about the clashes between BAND AND ORCHESTRA! It is a known fact that people in Band and people in Orchestra are always contradictory against each other, and it is inevitable. [Of course, choir isnt part of this since it doesnt come close to either band or orchestra. Full orchestras and jazz bands are also excluded.] Often, Band people are proud of the fact that they are the gatherers of attention, that they play loud enough for the audience to hear, as well as enjoy their arousing music. Meanwhile, Orchestra people can play at soft sounds, and create different moods that dazzle the listeners. It's the woodwinds, brass, and percussion against the strings. Which is better? Well, if you asked a Band member, of course they would say Band. The reasons? They would respond the reasons i have stated about. If i asked an Orchestra member, they would say Orchestra, and also for the reasons i have stated above. [It's a mutal thing.] However, no matter how different Band and Orchestra may seem, we often do stuff together, like performances. I mean, it's all just music right? People in these groups hang out with each other, and its like just a HUGE family. Of course, with the complications. [Those are inevitable.] So, in conclusion, i would like to say that...BAND ROCKS!! :) [slap* from Orchestra member] OWOWOWOW... ok ok..fine. They're both awesome, which is true. Its just that sometimes our ego gets in the way of how we get along. [Of course, we never really did get along in the beginning...] :] *note: Yes, i am in Band. And if by any chance someone wants to comment on that...well...just make sure its a nice comment. *note: Yep, there was a co-author to this post. Her name is Jennifish, and she's an Orchestra member. So is Ralph. He plays his huge bass bread. *note: Jennifish whisphers: "ORCHESTRA ROCKS!!" [gets kicked in the shin by me*] "OWOWOWOW...not." *note: Uh, i need to work on my attacking skills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I just HAVE to comment this. Yes, the big giant war is between us Orchestra champions and Band boogers.... JK! But yea, they sound awesome together. Let both of us have a good war. *Cough*Loser*Cough* Jk. ^^