Monday, November 12, 2007

The Tomato

Fruit or vegetable? Red or orange? Yummy or delicious? I may not know the answer to the first 2 questions, but I am absolutely certain that TOMATOES MUST BE THE AWESOMEST THING THERE IS ON THE WHOLE PLANET! My diet consists of practically 30% tomatoes, and I tell you , that is A LOT. You wouldnt believe how awesome it tastes, as well as healthy. [Of course, the tomatoes I eat are USDA certified organic, and bought from the farmer's markets.] I eat it with noodles, soup, stir-fry, and A LOT more. It's copious in Vitamin C, and makes the world go round. Any recipies that I know how to make involves the tomato. If I wanted to, I could actually LIVE off of that stuff. First, there's stir-fry tomato and egg. Then, there's tomato soup noodles. These foods are made often by me, as well as my parents. The tomato is my bestest buddy in the world! :] The recipie I mentioned earlier: Stir-fry tomato and egg Ingredients: -tomatoes [2] -eggs [2] -soy sauce -salt -chicken broth [optional for more flavoring] Directions: 1. Cut the tomatoes into slices 2. Break the eggs, then beat until smooth 3. Add a hint of soy sauce into the egg 4. Add small amount of oil into pan 5. Turn on fire under cooking pan 6. Pour eggs into pan 7. Stir until eggs are solid 8. Empty eggs into other bowl and out of pan 9. Add more oil to pan 10. Throw in tomatoes 11. Add a little salt 12. Stir occasionaly 13. Add in eggs when tomatoes are well cooked 14. Add chicken broth for additional flavor [Actual cooking on the stove should take no more than about 7-9 minutes. Unless you aim to have it burnt or something.] Enjoy! *note: When I say that tomatoes are my bestest buddy, I mean that they are ONE of my bestest buddies. Meaning that there's still space for you, Ralph. No harm meant. I hope you'll still be one of my bestest buddies. *note: I am not responsible more any damaged caused by your pathetic attempt at cooking, and I will never be. Cook at your own risk. Dont burn yourself too bad. Unless you like to have skin grafts. Thats another story. But, remember, TOMATOES ROCK! [Of course, not as much as I do, since im so awesome at cooking them.] :)

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