Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Turkey is Dead

Yay, its Thanksgiving, and its Kill Turkey Day! Ok well, not really. I mean, usually people just get all excited over shopping, and who cares about Thanksgiving dinner anyways? Yea, they're not that special, but i guess they're pretty cool. I mean, what's more fun than getting pestered by your overly-aged relatives, and being bugged by the little kids that come along with your parent's friend's friend's friend's friend's daughter or son? Yep, it sure is fun. Absolutely nothing better than that. Of course, Black Friday, who really cares? Psh, dinner is better. Or is it? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW! Seriously though, it sometimes can get very annoying by how much holidays get stereotyped. I mean, there's always some kind of "symbol" or "event" for every holiday, even if it may not be accurate. For Thanksgiving, you always picture people eating turkey in a big feast, with all your family. Well, not everyone has turkey right? I mean, ham or chicken or duck is always an option. Its not like turkey is the internation Thanksgiving food. It just happened to represent Thanksgiving. But in my opinion, that comes off to me as inaccurate. Also, you dont have to spend Thanksgiving with your family do you? What if your family is a whole continent away? What if you just want to spend it with your friends? That fine too. Family get annoying anyways . :) And, what if you dont want to have a feast? Its not absolutely necessary for you to eat alot anyways. A little dinner if fine. What if someone chooses to just spend it with their family, playing a board game or watching a scary movie? What if they just want to spend time together, while staying on a healthy diet at the same time? [Mashed potatoes can make you very full, if you havent noticed. Same goes for gravy.] What if they just want to spend the night with a friend, at the mall or something? What if I just want to write posts all night and chat wth Ralph? There are endless possiblities on Thanksgiving day, and its not just restricted to the old dinner with family. Why, swimming on Thanksgiving is fun too! So, with that, i leave you, to get back to my turkey. [Yea, that whole thing was kinda pointless, but oh well. Hey, turkey's not that bad right?] Yea, right. :)
*note: By swimming, i kinda meant indoors, so dont go outside and freeze your butt off.


Anonymous said...

But I wanna freeze my butt off. [some random comment.]

sharon said...

Oh. Right. Sure, that'll feel nice. O_o Haha. Yep, swimming in the winter sure is fun.