Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Butter is Better

Butter. Butter. Butter. BUTTERBUTTERBUTTER. :] Butter is better. Than what? Margarine, of course! It's yummy, and delicious, and wonderful, and scrumptious, and lots lots more... It's also good with bread, baked potatoes, and seaweed. Yep, Ralph tastes great with it. No offense Ralph. :) [I've never tried it with noodles before, so maybe i should.] My favorite kind is the spreadable one, preferably light with low fat and sodium. Which makes it healthier. :) It's also a GREAT spread. I mean, there's just so MANY great things about butter. But you're just probably too stupid to understand my meaning of butter... Joking. :] Yea, butter and I have this special connection, and you are unable to interfere.
*note: [Yea, i like writing these notes. Too bad if you dont like them (JENNIFISH!) ] When eating butter with seaweed, try not to kill yourself, because it really is hard to eat it like that. You have to have a specially technique, which only i posess. :)
Yesterday was our MT team's 2nd round, and we won! Which means we're going to quarter finals with several other really good teams. WHICH MEANS WE JUST MIGHT MAKE IT TO SEMI-FINALS! THEN BECOME CHAMPIONS! But before we get there, we have to go through all the other teams first, meaning we MUST be prepared. Wish us luck! :)


Anonymous said...

RANDOM-EST THING EVER! WHAT ARE YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS THINKING ABOUT? o_O I think you need some help... LMFAO! Awesome! Waiting for more randomness! xDDD

PS: Say hi to Ralph for me. ^^

Kimimon said...

MARGARINE IS BETTER! *sticks tongue out childishly*
I have to agree, butter IS tastier.
Congratulations on winning.