Thursday, November 15, 2007

Annoyances and Favorites and Such

Again, i have run out of things to say. However, now i can go on and on about the things you should know about me. [a.k.a.: more stuff to blabber about.]
1. I like pi.
2. Pi is awesome.
3. So is cheese.
4. This blog is not very interesting/entertaining, but why would i care what you have to say about it? :)
5. I play the flute. [Yea, i suck.]
6. My favorite board game is Monopoly.
7. My future business career would have to be accounting.
8. I like to criticize. Other people's things, of course.
9. I like all things ambiguous, including the word itself.
10. I get annoyed when someone uses the same word over and over again. For example in an essay, the adjectives gets used 10 times, thats REALLY annoying. [ahem*.]
11. I dont like to do things when i am told to.
12. However, i like to do things BEFORE you tell me to do them.
13. Im an egoist, just like everyone else. But only on the inside. :)
14. History is my favorite subject.
15. Then again, history gets boring sometimes.
16. Personally, i dont like P.E. very much.
17. Homework is not always first priority. :]
18. I could finish a Tolberone bar before you could even ask if i wanted it.
19. Then again, im not so sure you would want to give it to me...
20. I like to be modest.
21. I like to contradict myself.
22. I'd like to tell you that #20 is very contradictory. :)
23. I love ice cream.
24. I eat ice cream basically EVERY night before i go to bed.
25. My favorite ice cream brand is Ben & Jerry's. :)
26. However, ice cubes come before ice cream.
27. My favorite TV show is Mythbusters.
28. My favorite movies is The Dead Poets Society.
29. I hate my dentist.
30. I like to play games on my DS. Of course, Animal Crossing is my current favorite.
31. I sometimes solve sudoku puzzles to pass time.
32. Numbers are cool... especially if they're ongoing. Like pi.
33. My favorite number is 21.
34. I love it when things are out of order. Like how they are now, not being in categories.
35. Seeing people jump makes me tired, even though i may not be doing anything.
36. I seem to have a good chemistry with chemistry.
37. I like art. Well, the coloring part at least. But my drawing is bad. :]
38. I like things to be neat and organized.
39. I'm not very neat or organized.
40. My goal would be to be neat and organized.
41. But i'm pretty sure you wouldn't really want to hear about my goals..
42. 6 x 7 = 42! My awesome math. Not.
43. I like to eat. As long as it's appealing.
44. Appealing foods include: tomato soup noodles, tomatoes, stir-fry tomatoes, tomato soup, potatoes, ox tail soup, brocolli and cream soup, chocolate, butter, butter with Ralph, the list goes on.
45. Memorizing stuff is fun.
46. Eating chocolate is fun.
47. Playing games is fun.
48. Writing on my blog is fun.
49. Contradicting myself is fun.
50. Making no sense if fun.
51. Confusing the reader to no return is fun.
52. Typingwithoutspacesisfun.
53. I like pi.
54. And now i'm back to be beginning.
55. Wait, hold on.
56. I think it would be better if i ended on 60.
57. Wouldn't you think so too?
58. Ok, ok. Almost there...
59. I like pi.
60. And now i'm back to the beginning.
[Phew.*] [Wipes sweat off of face*] Joking. Of course i didnt sweat. Except maybe my fingers..they're slightly sore. Need a massage. [Off to get a finger massage. Be back tomorrow.*]


Anonymous said...

Piii... Yea I'm commenting all your posts. >_< Cuz they're cool. I do not get how you find pi fun... But if you like it, if must be fun! ^^ To you, rather.

souffle said...

yikes!! tats a very long list.. i left off at 13..