Sunday, November 25, 2007

Narrative on a Sunny Day

Hehe, im copying trace with the stories. :] And yes, she let me. ^^ [Narrator]: Once upon a time -
[Narrator #2]: Aw, thats a REALLY boring way to start a story. How bout -
[Narrator]: WAIT! Where did you come from? I thought I was the only narrator. [scratches head*] Hm.
[Narrator #2]: Ok then, now you get to be "Narrator #1".
[Narrator #1]: Oh fine...
[Narrator #2]: Now continuing...
[Narrator #1 & #2]: Again...?
[Narrator #3]: Why, what's wrong with another one? You've got 2 already anyways...
[Narrator #1]: Ok ok...
[Narrator #2]: Continue.
[Narrator #3]: [clears throat*] In a strange and far away place, there was a group.
[Narrator #2]: Yes, a group.
[Narrator #1]: A special group. A special group indeed.
[Narrator #3]: But, this group was strange too.
[Narrator #2]: It had no members. And people still referred to it as a group.
[Narrator #1]: [whispers: "What? That doesnt make sense!"]
[Narrator #3]: [whispers: "Shut it!"]
[Narrator #2]: This group was called, The Group.
[Narrator #1]: Why was it called the The Group? Because people just like the name.
[Narrator #3]: Yes, they liked the name very much. They just plainly like saying the name, over
and over and over again.
[Narrator #2]: Yet though it were nothing, people became entranced by the name.
[Narrator #1]: People absolutely LOVED it. The word "group"suddenly became owned by The
[Narrator #3]: Why did this group have no members? Well that was because -
[Narrator #1]: Because it was "secretive".
[Narrator #2]: Yes, so secretive, that in fact people actually believed that there were no
[Narrator #3]: They thought that it was all a legend, that it didnt really exist.
[Narrator #1]: Yet they still referred to it because the name was so awesome.
[Narrator #2]: Indeed.
[Narrator #3]: Well, nobody knew this, but The Group was in fact made up of fruits.
[Narrator #1]: Yep, all kinds of fruits.
[Narrator #2]: Come back next time to find out more about the fruits!
[Narrator #3]: [whispers: "What? Aw, i wanted to talk more..."]
[Narrator #2]: [whispers: "Im tired, now shut it!]
[Narrator #1]: [sighs*]
Ok, that was really weird. But yes, it will be continued. Maybe. :] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Irrelevant to all this but... Tuesday is Semi-finals! :) Wish us luck! [High-five with Ralph*]

1 comment:

trace said...

ahaha I like this xD !!