Thursday, November 29, 2007


I've been thinking, and it seems that a jacket is really important in one's life. I mean, especially if one wears it alot. People tend to recognize one by their jacket, because a jacket can be really special. I mean, so much to see, feel, remember. Its an exception to the "clothing repeat" rule. A person could be always wearing it, but they wont be bothered upon about the fact that they keep wearing it. :) A jacket has so much character, and could define the person alot. Its a personal item, a thing that never gets old. And even if it does get old, and small, and tattered, it'll still be special. What you wear tells a lot about you, but not necessarily everything. A jacket is there to wrap it up, to keep you warm, to layer your outfit. It could be there to match the rest, could be there to prevent you from freezing, it could be tied around your waist. Whatever your special jacket is for, its special, and im repeating myself. :) I must get back to my Ralph... we're playing Monopoly again. ^^

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