Friday, November 16, 2007

...And Where Does The Time Go?

I find myself often having trouble, trying to complete the things I have wanted to do that day. And the thing acting against me? I really don't know. But, i do know that it's somewhere between my lack of time management, getting off track, and not being aware of time as it passes by. I mean, authors and poets and a bunch of other people are always writing about how time flies by, and how you're supposed to manage your time wisely. I've read countless poems, books, and related all talking about time, and how it "passes you by.." I also read this book called The New Policeman, that talks about time and how it was leaking everywhere. Yea, it was a good book. Now, that does sound pretty poetic and cool, but it doesnt really help much. I mean, how are you supposed to manage your time when the wall might as well be absorbing it without you noticing? Or when there is a joker behind your back, quieting changing the clock? However your time goes, it's always unable to gain back. And that's the part i dont get. WHY does it go away and never come back? Is it because we dont deserve to have it back again? Is it because we wont appreciate it even IF it was gained back? Or is it because it doesnt REALLY matter that much, but we just think it does? Or is way more important than we think it to be? [sigh...*] Well, sometimes, i would be doing homework on a weeknight, and SUDDENLY, it would be time to sleep. So, i hurry to squeeze in a shower, but by then my parents would be already snoozing, and i'd quietly go to sleep, vowing that i'll go to sleep earlier the next night. Then in the morning, i'd wake up, and school would be close to starting. My dad and i get caught in the morning rush, and id be late to school, again. It's like a chain, and it always never seems to stop. Im really worried, and i think i should do something about it, NOW. But what? [sigh...*] These days i try hard to go to bed early. The main thing is to go slow: never sleep later than the previous night, and i will have likely sucess. However, if you do happen to sleep later than the night before, then you will probably create a chain, and sleep later and later and later until... you sleep so less you get the bags under your eyes, like the ones i have now. No, it's not a good thing, but it can be prevented. I really need to increase my morale, and be motivated. Eh, enough of my blabbering. I'm sure Ralph is very bored of this. If you have any suggestions as to my time/sleep problem feel free to comment. Or if you want to say anything about the absorbing wall thing. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa... Very ongoing and deep... sort of. OMG! YOU USED THE "Minutes to Midnight" PICTURE! O_O AWESOME! I should take a some time off of my drama reviews and put some random randomness. ^^ I love everything you put on here... So interesting. xDDD