Tuesday, November 20, 2007

...What's In A Title?

I seem to be having trouble these days, coming up with a title for each post. I mean, its just SO complicated to do such a thing. I mean, what would you think if i titled this post, "Ralph"? Yea, exactly. Totally irrelevant. [Refer to bottom of post.] The title is like the thesis sentence in an essay, possibly one of the most complex things in writing. To create a good thesis statement, you must show what your whole essay is about. It also has to be concise and to the point. The title also acts as a hook. With the title, i must learn to phrase it in a way so that it does not sound awkward, and to make it interesting enough to catch the reader's attention. The title also cant be direct. For example, if i am to talk about titles for a WHOLE post, a very boring title would be "Titles". But then, people who havent read the post yet would think that it is weird, because you dont give titles to posts called "Titles". That just comes off as an excuse for not being able to come up with a good title. Of course, i wouldnt want that. I mean, doesnt that come off to you as hard? And also, if i choose to write about something very different than what the title is about, that just makes me weird. The reader will be confused, and refuse to read on any further, BECAUSE the title indicated something they were interested in, but are now no further interested in it BECAUSE the subject has changed to something they dont really care about, SO they dont bother to keep on reading anymore. :) So be wary, TITLE ARE HARD! Therefore i will kick your butt if you comment about my bad or irrelevant titles. IT STATES HERE. So, with that, i shall now continue with my bad titles. THERE'S NO STOPPING ME!! :)

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