Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Harms of Milk

Milk. It's a dairy product. It has lots of calcium. Moms say it's really good for you. So does everyone else in the whole entire world. But, do you know what biotechnology these days has done to the milk you drink? DO YOU?! Well, for a first, consider the milk that you drink. Is it organic? Is there anything special about it? If it's not organic, how often do you drink it? Well, the reason why i'm asking these questions is because IF THE MILK YOU DRINK IS not ORGANIC, IT'S VERY LIKELY IT HAS A CHEMICAL IN IT, THAT CAN CAUSE GREAT HARM. Monsanto, a chemical company, [which i have issues against] has brought out to the farming industry a chemical that can be injected into cows. Why would farmers want to inject some thingy into their cow? Because this specific chemical is actually a chemically constructed hormone. It boosts the hormones of the cow, and causes the cow to produce more milk, therefore meaning the farmer recieves more profit. It's tradename, the name it is given on the market, is called Posilac, otherwise rBGH/rBST. This stands for recombinant bovine growth hormone. The harm? It causes the drinker of the milk of the injected cow to have CANCER. Yes, drinking milk can cause CANCER. It also causes the cows to have an infection of the udder, meaning that their PUS is left in our milk. It's true. And all because of Monsanto. And biotechnology. But dont forget Monsanto. MONSANTO!! :) Well, this of course if a very bad thing. Its allowed by the FDA [for what reason? well nobody knows.] so "technically" its safe. But i dont really think so. So...be prepared! Drink organic milk! Either that, or milk that is labled as milk not from cows injected with the rBGH thingy. Or soymilk. That's good too. Ralph likes organic milk. Isnt that right, Ralph? " Y-E-S-S-S-S ! " :)
For more information: visit http://www.preventcancer.com/consumers/general/milk.htm or http://www.organicconsumers.org/rbghlink.cfm Both are really great links, read if you can. Now..i shall get back to my ice cream... ice cream with non-rBGH milk from treated cows, that is. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gahh... Bad milk. Poor cows. I like cows. Monsanto seems baaad. Their cooking bad eggs. -_- Milk, rather. I like milk. But not jacked-up-cow milk.