Monday, November 26, 2007

A Day In Events #3

Soo... Today, in class, we were talking about the weekend, and our teacher said, "I saw lots of coyotes. Red coyotes." And then he added, "Because they were run over by lots of cars. Exactly why they're red." We also talked about thermal underwear. Our class had a fit. :) And then, in pe, we played basketball, and we had a game of "white shoes vs. black shoes". It was so racist, i tell you. Later, i had to wash like 50,000,000 dishes, just because it was good development for my character. YEA, THEY SAY THAT IN PRISON, WHEN THE PEOPLE START CHOPPING ROCKS OR SOMETHING. O_o

Then, i had some fun selling hair, for those people who liked to clone others. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY SOME?! ONLY 2.99 + TAX AND SHIPPING! A great deal, a great deal indeed.

I started reading this book, that was about art and stuff. And then i came upon the funniest thing: [not exact quote] When the Germans abolished "degenerate" art, meaning modern art that was disproved by Hitler, they set up a show, to stress the meaning that it was "bad" and "unaccepted". Thus explaining the reason why they were taken away by the government. However, children were not allowed into the show because the art was labled "pornographic". AHAHAHAHA isnt that funny?! :) Ok well, forgive me if you have a bad sense of humor. :P RALPH LIKED IT! :]

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