Saturday, November 17, 2007


Lots of cold days, it's getting close to winter. Probably going to expect some rain, with powerful winds that have no mercy. The wet season isnt so bad. Puddles on the floor, moist in the air, a calming feeling, yet exciting at the same time. [Jennifish & Ralph particicularly likes the rain.] Its also cool to watch when it snows, everything looks so beautiful and clean, you want to eat it all. But, once you go close up, you see the little patches of dirt packed in with the snow, and realize that it isnt so clean after all. I dont know what that is supposed to mean, maybe something about not eating snow that looks clean. It can be bad for your stomach...
Anyways, I need to go get new gear soon, for the winter. Like jackets and sweaters, and mittens and ear muffs and scarves. Or maybe i'm just over reacting. T-shirts and shorts work too. [Not.]
I have this strange attraction to the cold, when it's dark in the night, or really early and the sky is still gray. During dusk and dawn in the winter, the setting is just perfect in its own way. Seeing the bright windows in the buildings, imagining the cold air, knowing that I'd rather be outside here than in there. I dont know how to describe it, but I just love it when the wind gives me a chill, no matter if it's a breeze or a big gust. The sky gives me the mood of... something. But it's just really cool when i run out in the open, my feet hitting the concrete, the dark clouds above me... It's not a feeling of depression, but rather something new happening, and all my senses are awake to the cold air. There is also really beautiful scenery during those times, and its as if the weather can be captured in those pictures as well. The breeze ruffles through my hair, and everything else is gone...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa... Awesome. It's so descriptive. And i agree, rain and snow and all that stuff is awesome. xDDD Yay!