Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Lack of Creative Juices

[Sigh..*] Everyone's been in a sorta bad mood today... WE LOST AT SEMI-FINALS. Oh well. I guess some people just like to mope. :)
You know how everyone refers to "creative juices" as things supposedly in your brain? Why would they say that? I just wonder, how do they know that it's in the brain? What if it's in... the liver? Or some other organ? Maybe inspiration comes from the foot? Haha, that may sound rediculous, but WHO KNOWS?! No one, of course. But maybe, someday i may be right. [Yea, im conceited like that.] :)
So, this one time, i was in the car going somewhere, and i saw a yello fire hydrant. Why do i remember that? I dont really know. But probably because, i dont usually see yello fire hydrants. Aren't they usually red? Also, i dont see fire hydrants, period(.) The thing is, i read some book about keeping a writer's notebook and to record all the things you see, so that you could write about it later. I guess they were right. I should start a writer's notebook. I SHOULD START A WRITER'S NOTEBOOK! Ok then, its decided, Ralph and I will go get a notebook right away. Stashed somewhere around here...
[cyclones through entire place*]
[snatches beat-up notebook*]
And in this beat-up notebook here, i shall keep notes of the tiny little things that will inspire me and my foot. :)

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