Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chocolate, Hazelnuts, Coconuts, and Skim Milk...

What do those ingredients make? NUTELLA OF COURSE! Nutella is a spread, that goes on anything! Well, it tastes best with Ralph. Its a cross between chocolate and hazelnut, but overall its just REALLY GOOD. In fact, im eating it right now. I love eating it by itself sometimes, when im bored. Especially yummy when you're occupied, and it can just take your mind off of anything... And then make you go back to the jar and scoop more of that stuff.
It goes WAY back.... when nutella was first produced from a chocolate/hazelnut plant. Of course, chocolate was expensive back then [I think it was in Europe..? Im not sure.], so they decided to substitute some of it with hazelnuts. And then they added skim milk, and some coconuts, and stuff. Well of course, the people LOVED it when it first came out. It was favored by children and adults alike. It went on many things, mostly varieties of bread. This product comes in cans, and can last for A LONG TIME. Nutella is also made from the company, Ferro, the same company as those little gold alluminum foil wrapped chocolate thingies, called Ferro Rochers. It's really good too. Nutella sells in some supermarkets, including Trader Joe's. [Yep, that store is cool.] :) If you hadn't try it, you should! [Well, im not advertising for it or something, but yea.]
*note: The historical facts came from when i watched an episode from Unwrapped, a TV show from the Food Channel. However, i often have anmesia attacks, [or so i think] so some of the stuff may not be EXACTLY as they said it. But something like that.


Anonymous said...

Wow... You love nutella... I don't really like that stuff. Or peanut butter, but butter is nice. Awesome! xDDD Your posts are always so hilarous! ^^

sharon said...

Haha, that's very interesting.