Friday, November 9, 2007

It's a Wild World!

Ok so, there's this REALLY cool game for the DS, [yes, I have a DS] and it's called Animal Crossing: Wild World. You get to live in this made up animal world, where you are the only human. Aspects of this game include: very expensive rent, sharing a house with up to 3 other people, sending mail to your neighbors, selling junk to a neighborhood store, collecting fruits for a living, fishing for profit, hunting for bugs, updating your neighborhood museum, digging for fossils, receiving bottle mail, making friends, chatting with friends about current events, buying clothes, designing clothes, decorating your house with furniture, collecting hats and umbrellas, splashing in the rain/snow, planting flowers, planting trees, pulling out weeds, watering flowers, collecting sea shells, making snowmen, creating constellations, drinking coffee and listening to music on late nights, donating money to a neighborhood town, connecting to other DS's with the same game, and LOTS LOTS LOTS more. :] This game is the ABSOLUTE BEST, and there is SO much more stuff to do! Overall, its a really fun game, and you can get lost in your own little world... and make lots of money to pay your mortgage. That too. ^^ Now, let me get back to my game...[rubs hands together to commence playing]. OH SHOOT! Out of batteries..darn. I guess I'll just go do something educational...again. >.<

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooo! I used to have this game! But I thought it was too boring and tedious so I sold it to gamestop and bought Dementium: The Ward and my bro bought The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. I don't like Dementium... It's creepy... Read my first game review to see how creepy it is. *Shudders.*