Monday, November 19, 2007


[Sniffles*..] Oh, Im sorry. I seem to be having a cold today. Sort of. Since it's so cold. Excuse me... [blows nose loudly so everyone can hear*..] I was thinking today, while sitting there with Ralph, and it just occured to me that... well, im not sure i know how to say this but... the term "oblivious" is contradicting itself. [Looks sideways skeptically*..] So, if you're describing a event that is something oblivious... it's kinda pointless to say that, since if SUPPOSED to be oblivious. But then again, if you dont point it out, then you will never get to use such a cool word, or show that you know how to use the word, or something. But, pointing out that something is oblivious, totally ruins the fact that it is, because after it is pointed out, then it WONT be oblivious anymore because it has been realized already, and therefore is not being ignored. [Circular reasoning... is inevitable. Blame the keyboard.] Still, its SUCH a cool word, so you just WANT to use it. However, it's one of those words that arent very good to use, because it doesnt make sense if you use it on yourself. For example, if i say: "You know, I really think im quite oblivious to the fact that my teachers arent as bad as i think they are." [Sorry, bad example. Im bad at examples. Its a "me" thing.] So, saying that wouldnt really get you anywhere, except maybe on the road of self-discovery or something. But, its just like i always seem to be OBLIVIOUS to the fact that when i use the word OBLIVIOUS its very pointless. [GAH! I have bad logic skills. This has just turned into a conversation with myself, no need for you to pay attention. Just stare at the pictures or something.] A lot of times when the word is used, it just seems so... IRONIC. The fact that the event is oblivious to someone is suddenly revealed, and that word will not have done anything. Or maybe my thinking's just weird. Well, here's another example: "You know, that cat is really oblivious to the fact that the food is right under her nose, yet she is still begging for food." Ok well, that didnt really make sense either, but you can see that it is used in a different way, to describe someone else instead of yourself. Does this make any difference? I have no idea. But somehow, there's a difference to me between discovering something about someone else, and then discovering something about yourself and then telling it to someone else. Do you think there is a difference? [Scratches head*] Maybe it has something to do about exposing something - it matters more to yourself that you share something about yourself that you didnt know before until you said it, rather than sharing something about someone else that you have recently discovered. Anyways... this has been an interesting road to self discovery... Good night everyone! I shall now go to enjoy my ice cream... :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! I like the word "oblivious". Learned it from my bro. And I have bad logic too. ^^ I <3 the cat picture. xDDD