Saturday, December 22, 2007

Episode 2: The Horribleness of it All

As I was unwillingly dragged onto the most horriblest trip anyone in the whole world can possibly imagine, {sigh*} I'm tired of all these hyperboles, going to stop now. {deep breath*} The car trip was horrible, TONS of motion sickness ALL THE WAY THERE, FOR LIKE, ALL THOSE STINKIN' HOURS WHEN I COULD'VE DONE SOMETHING ELSE. I MEAN, I COULD soooo HAVE SOMETHING BETTER ELSE TO DO. DON'T YOU AGREE? We had fastfood for lunch, but it wasn't really fast because there was like a HUGE crowd there and the waiting went on, and on, and on... It took us around 30 minutes to order, pick-up our order, and find some seats {yes, the seats were even jam-packed}. La, la, la, the usual, boring trip, started playing AC but got too dizzy when Tom Nook started rambling about shopping, I was seeing double of those oranges, and had no energy in my thumb to go pick them up. Half the time, I was falling asleep. Half the time, I looked out the window. .. 0000001% of the time I glanced at my pitiful self from an imaginable point of view high, high above the clouds...and started brainstorming of what I could be doing at that time, such as blogging about how horrible this whole event is/was. So, I kinda bugged the people in the back to go look for the camera at the very very very bottom of the trunk inside the whatever bag it was. Then, FINALLY! My savior has come for me. And I took some picutres of very pointless things. They looked like they came from the middle of nowhere {and they certainly did}. Well, after I almost used up all the battery in the camera, we stopped at the outlets for TEN MINUTES! Apparently, SOME people from the little party of ours had to go to a stupid show so they had to catch the time and WE HAD TO LEAVE. My parents were all, "Oh, we'll come back tomorrow." Guess what we did tomorrow? After arriving in LV we went to our hotel. There was SO MUCH TRAFFIC I swear somebody could have died waiting in those lines... Then we arrived at the hotel, the decorations were so bad and looked all yellow and pale. I never knew Mandalay Bay was like that. Lots of people at the front registration/room checkout/lobby place thingy, so we had to wait some more {again}. I chatted with some people, then finally we got to our room, and dropped off all our stuff. Off to dinner we went, then waited SOME MORE for all members of party to arrive at meeting place. I wandered off, anticipating another half hour to kill...and started to look around. There were some magazines; I critically examined the advertisments. Thank god there wasn't too much of those retarded Rated PG-13 ads. {those annoy the heck out of me} Suddenly I see these huge fans at the ceiling, and they're like waving towards the entrance. Except it's kinda got holes in it, so it takes away the point of a fan... Really pretty though, clam shaped, it's a theme at Mandalay. Beach-like or something. I don't think most people noticed it though, since it was kind of pointless in the first place... I then got tired of raising my head and looking like a doof {although I usually prefer it but at that very moment the neckache kind of made me change my mind}, and decided to study the wall, which was some kind of destroyed-marble thingy. Who knows, I have bad memory of the interior decorating details of a hotel that I was incidentally dragged to against my will. So, after lots of tiresome observing, we proceeded to dinner, which was not very interesting as there was no interior decorating in an effort to please the customers or something. {only big and fancy restaurants do that, but sometimes the lighting is so dim you can't exactly tell what they're trying to decorate} THEN, IT HAPPENED. WE WERE IN THE CAR, AND...we stopped. Outside of. A. cAsInO. My first though: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I swear you could hear my nose's bloodcurling scream as i reluctantly got out of the stupid automobile. Ugh, it was horrible, absolutely HORRIBLE! So, basically, the whole time we were in that stupid building that shouldn't have been built in the first place, I struggled with my sleeve. Super-ultra-sensitivity to smoke is NOT a good thing when visiting such places as Vegas. I really did not know why we were in the casino in the first place, just usual tourism or something. The whole time my nose was suffering in hell {as were my lungs} and nobody noticed/cared. It really really really sucks when you're walking really fast to the exit 'cause you really want to get out of that place, but incidentally you just happen to walk into a cloud of smoke that was extruded from someone's mouth that you just walked by who was standing really close to you. Then I personally start into this coughing fit and give my evil glare to whatever idiot that was killing themselves, and me as well with the second-hand smoke. Yes, THAT'S RIGHT, I JUST DISSED SMOKERS. SERIOUSLY, I RESENT THE FACT THAT YOU DON'T HAVE THE COURAGE TO QUIT. Bad, bad, BAD EXAMPLE TO SET, ESPECIALLY IF YOU SMOKE IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS! So, anyways, continuing, I think I could've killed myself by the time I arrived back to the car. Needed nose replacements. The driver at the time miraculously managed to chauffeur us back to the hotel, without my nose bleeding to death. Then it was watch adults chat and walk around, go back to hotel room, and end of night. The bedsheets were REALLY REALLY itchy, I totally hated them. They were warm though, but I still hate the bed/bedding. Really uncomfortable, I recommend you not go there. The spring mattress...I didn't sleep very well on it, and woke up all sore in the morning. The interior decorating was more detailed than some of the hotels I've stayed at... Not so ugly either. Their highlight was: the door to neighboring room, and the bathroom. They were like so pretty, even had a big bath tub {for bubble baths ^^}. There were these doors, and they were lockable. If the doors in the neighboring room were open, there would be access to your neighboring room {but only one of them}. Unfortunately, the rooms that our party had gotten weren't next to each other, but surely someone would find those doors to good use. {sigh..*} Long day, long day, wasn't it? And without Ralph too. :(

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