Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Trip To The Library

Today i went to the library, for research with our teacher for our project. It was a big library, with a BUNCH of floors. I handed in my library card application, and got started! The shelves were old and dusty, and so were the books. With creaky floors, and grand halls, i felt as if the library was from some old age. Of course, i was mistakened, as they had a LOT of resources that were quite recent, and useful as well. The most memorable part about that library, was the elevator. Yes, elevator. I was thinking : Hm, big library, cool elevator, right? Um, no, not really. It turned out to be quite packed, and thin feeling. The walls felt thin. It was a thin elevator. As in not sturdy. O_o So, i didnt want to go through all those stairs, and decided to try it out. It was the only elevator in the entire building, but there werent many people using it. Anyways, i went in with my friend, and the whole thing croaked. I mean , it sounded like it was going to come apart. There were sqeaks here and there, and i almost expected the whole thing to start shaking. Thank god the ride was short. Later on, i had to go on it several times [i was carrying heavy books and didnt want to walk all the way there], but it was creepiest when i had to go alone. I was kinda saying to myself: Think Ralphy thoughts, think Ralphy thoughts. I guess it wasnt that scary, but rather i made a big deal out of it, to myself. Anyways, it sure was fun there. So educational! O_o

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