Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Today, {well actually, this day, but not necessarily today 'cause I'm not writing this on "this day" that I'm posting under} I went to see Juno. {YES, I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!} And, by a friend's requests, I am now posting about it. Hence the title. Well, what can I say? {Not much, since I'm doing this against my will.} I guess it was a pretty good movie, appleasing for the crowd. The music was cool. :) It had a good beginning. And a good ending. The plot left me satisfied. The actors were pretty good, in the sense that it didn't sound so scripted, kind of just came naturally. Lots of funny moments. {I swear the people in the theatre were gonna upchuck their popcorn from so much contractions of the stomach from the punch lines.} But I still think it didn't have the essence of a good film. I mean, that's the thing with movies all the time. Horror, sci-fi, comedy. It's just all so...movieish. Someone else has redefined the meaning of movie. And that would be for it to be...entertaining. Well, entertaining means interesting. But not interesting, means not everyone will like it. This forces the movie producers to be...having the goal of the absolutely most profitable movie. It's not what it was supposed to be - a work of art. Art is not made for the purpose of earning profit, it's to show the viewers or audience what the message or meaning of the art itself is supposed to be. A camera can capture a lot of things, but it's no fun when you're just watching people talk on the screen. You do that when you're outside, in a crowd. I just...have a different definition for a good film. This film...I would say it wasy okay, but not that special. Then again, that's just my opinion. Don't listen to my opinion, 'cause it's always deranged and horrific. Ralph agrees.

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