Monday, December 24, 2007

Episode 4: The Souvenirs

Ah... I must say... I did get some pretty good souvenirs from the middle of nowhere as I was traveling in the car to Las Vegas. {Yes, this is the last episode. Aren't you glad there aren't any more?} :]
I took some pictures, mostly of mountains, just so Ralph can see what it was like. I didn't want him to miss out on anything. :]
These pictures are all taken by ME! Meaning I get CREDIT for all of them {at least the ones on this post}. :D
Dude these things take up SOOOOOOOOOOOO much space! For some reason I'm not able to move them around very well... Dang the stupid high resolution!
Aren't they pretty though?
Well, can't put up too much, I won't have space for other pictures! :[
It's Chirstmas Eve. Go spend some time with family. Ralph and I will be okay. :]

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