Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Never Knew!

I was looking at this one piece of paper one day, and it said "Animal Xing". So, i was thinking, huh? Then it was, oh! It took me a while to realize that it was actually supposed to read "Animal Crossing". {I guess i didnt eat too much breakfast that day.} Suddenly, it all came rushing back to me: all those signs, the bright neon ones and the paint on the roads, they all read "crossing" instead of just "xing". I always used to pronounce it like "zing" instead. For example: "Ped Xing" and "Children Xing" and "School Xing". It was just...a moment of discovery, i was hit by a huge gust of wind! Or something like that. Anyway, if you've suffered like i did, with the loss of such important information, you shall suffer no more! {I think it's just me, though.} Somebody should make a sign that says "Ralph Xing". :)


Anonymous said...

HEY!That was my piece of paper u read. Theif. P.S. Sophie wrote this

sharon said...

Hm. Yea. Maybe. :D Hi Sophie!