Monday, December 10, 2007

The Hunt is On!

In general, people collect things, sometimes for fun, sometimes for a rather serious purpose. These items range from hats, to seashells, to rocks, to gems, to gift cards, to shirts, to leaves, to grass, to medals, to candy, to fruit, to gum, to cooking utensils, to stickers, to photos, to stuffed animals, to mirrors, to glass, to light bulbs, to newspapers, to magazines, to magnets, to furniture, to games, to computers, to bags, to shoes, to books, to Ralph, on and on, ect. Me? Oh, i like to collect erasers. In fact i have a whole drawer full of them, my precious little babies. ^^ I never use these, and never give them out. They come in all sorts of different colors, some blue, gray, green, pink, yello, orange, on, and on, and on...erasers galore. I guess i just thought that they looked better in my room than on a hook at the store. I never go for the rip-off ones, just the cute-looking ones that seem to work well. I'm always hunting for more, and i shall never rest until i have all the erasers that i could ever want! :)

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