Sunday, December 23, 2007

Episode 3: The Absurdity, Continued

It's SUNDAY! And I've spent the day in LAS VEGAS. WITHOUT Ralph. Isn't that a wonderful choice? Hm.. {Unless you haven't noticed, yes I AM being sarcastic.} Today was basically the same.. Really cold too. I wanted to go to pool, because it looked SOO BIG, but it was, like I said, too cold. So instead my parents let me go visit, and see what it's like up close. Turns out, the good part was closed. Only the kiddy pool was open. Hmp.
The pool was really far away, and we kept getting lost... Such big structures.. Sigh.
We checked out of hotels immediately after waking up and a light breakfast. Then we deposited our stuff at a friend's room. They were going to stay another day.... Today was our last day in Vegas.
Drove to this stupid lunch place... Again, smoking METROPOLIS! I chocked my self to death. AND I also purposely coughed loudly in front of them. I guess they were too into their cigarett to notice. Hmp.
Lunch was so-so, not exactly good, not exactly bad. I wasn't too full, but I ate as much as I could. Tolerable, I suppose.
We drove around the Strip a little bit, which I enjoyed {since there were smoke-proof windows in the cars and we didn't have to walk OUTSIDE}. :] Like we had planned, we got out, and did walk around a little bit. Some of the people that we were traveling with wanted to purchase tickets for a show, so we went with them. But going to purchase the tickets meant GOING INSIDE THE CASINO. IN THE HOTEL AND RESORTS. WHERE ALL THE SMOKERS ARE LOCATED. This place was obviously worse than the restaurant {it's INDOORS so all the smoke stays in}. We were there for about an hour, I almost fainted. We finally exited and came to the highlight of the day:
I don't remember the name of the actual coaster... Express something... :]
The other person who wanted to ride this with me has been looking forward to it all along. I guess she was right. It is REALLY cool.
Took a while to find it though, and yet again we had to go through the stupid casino. WHY AREN'T THERE SMOKING LAWS IN NEVADA?! I DON'T WANT TO STAY IN THE RESTROOM THE WHOLE TIME! ARG.
We finally found it, and the other person and I were the only people riding it.
Can you believe the cost was $14 FOR EACH PERSON?! Crazy. That'd better be tax deductible.
The tickets were purchased, and we stood in line. Not many people that day, just a few minutes until the ride.
Usually, I don't get scared for roller coasters. But you should've seen me that day, as I was walking up to that coaster. From outside it looked HUGE! And it really is.
I slowly got on...
Put on my seat belt and all that other stuff...
And the ride started.
The thing is, I always get sore throats when I'm on roller coasters. So what happened kind of sounded like this:
I have to tell you, that was SUPER ULTRA SCARY {and awesome}. My throat was sore from screaming so much..
There was speed. And height. And turns. OH, THE TURNS. O_o
So, we finished, {it was REALLY LONG!} and we kind of got lost for a bit. Neither of us had cell-phones {we gave them to somebody to hold incase they escaped during the ride}, so we wandered around for a bit. I saw these really cool arcade thingies, except there were SO MANY! I asked my dad {when we finally found them} whethere I could play on some of those thingies. He said no. I said YES! Then I got dragged back into the casino, and we left. We walked to the monorail, and rode it back to the other person's hotel room. It was very fun.
Then I realized I had LEFT MY BAG, back in the car. We didn't ride the car to get back to the hotel. We walked. And that car was going to be used to go to the one show {that the persons bought tickets for} and they couldn't be late. So just as they left for the show, I had realized my bad was gone. And in my bag there were the essential contents: My iPod for sleeping on the car, my DS with the Animal Crossing game, my camera with all the pictures I took that I was going to post on my blog when I got home, and other important stuff. But it was gone. ALL GONE. So the adults tried to calm me down, and tell me that I'd get it back tomorrow. I was thinking: Hmp. O_o
Anyway, just like that, we left. We left without my precious bag, and I passed time on the car without any of my electronic devices. :[ IT WAS HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE! We had a late dinner, at Denny's or something, don't really remember because I was slightly unconsious... Then we got home, and here I am, complaining about this whole trip. What a waste of time. {Sigh..*}

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