Monday, December 17, 2007

Excuses, Excuses

Ah, it's been a while since i've been here, had to do a lot of catch-up work. [Yes, i treat this very seriously, like a job. Well of course, i'm my own boss, i get to write about anything, and nobody reads this anyway, maybe except Ralph, so i dont get pay.] :) It's winter, i'm cold, and i have about a thousand different excuses for why i haven't been writing recently. [Yes boss, forgive me!]
1. It's cold, my fingers lose energy and i lose my train of thought. They become all frozen, and i can't type properly. My brain just kinda goes into lag mode. Also, i keep having to add on more and more pieces of clothing, making it hard to complete my work since i can barely move. I feel like a puff ball.
2. I have a BUNCH of stuff to do. [That includes homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, project, project, project, project, project, practicing that darn music, dissolving chocolate, and collecting fruit in AC.] It's just a never-ending list, and posting on my blog isn't exactly going to fit on there quite well.
3. There is like almost nothing to write about, since my "Writer's Notebook" operation is totally failing. Really horrible, one might say. I barely remember to write in it every few days, and not very many interesting topics occur to me while the pen is immobile in my grip. Not very inspirations from other places either. Winter just seems kind of dead. However, i must say that i am still writing in my journal. [You know, i really cant tell the difference between writing in the two. Except, one is a really bad spiral notebook, and the other is this huge binded book with smooth paper and pretty lines^^.] Anyways, im trying my hardest to keep detailed notes of my day so that when the government finds my diary they can publish it and i'll become famous when i'm dead! [Throws hands in the air*.] Yea, no.
4. Too many distractions on my computer. One minute i would be working on my blog, then the other minute i would be talking on some instant messaging program. Then playing some games. Then working on my website project. Then i'd be playing some more games. Before you know it, my time's all gone. So i end up not turning on the computer too often, i have lots of other stuff to do.
5. What can i say? It's gets tiring sometimes, i run out of energy to do anything, anything at all. [That excludes eating ice cream.] Lazy, i guess? It's a trait in everybody. EVERYBODY EXCEPT THOSE DARN PEOPLE WHO GET UP SO EARLY IN THE MORNING ON A DAILY BASIS! [Shakes fists at young people running around.*]
There, was that good enough for you? Ah, probably not. I have very high expectations from my boss. [wink*] Ok, that was really relieving for my writer's block. My fingers ARE getting cold...

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