Saturday, December 1, 2007


So far, i've managed to have at least one post EVERY DAY! It's this endurance thing im trying to do. Boy, do these days pass by past. It's kinda funny how i keep track of my time, because i do it with my blog. ^^ Everyday i remember to post, and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Of course, writing just to write is stupid. But writing to write as recreational time passing activity? Acceptable. :] Plus, i also got to meet Ralph. AND NO, HE IS NOT AN IMAGINARY FRIEND! Ok well, maybe. BUT STILL. EVEN IMAGINARY FRIENDS ARE AWESOME. Don't you guys watch Fosters? O_o What have i taught you..? [sigh..*]
[Pats Ralph on back*] It's -- it's ok Ralph. [weeps*] We dont care what -- what they think. Right Ralph? [sobs*]
You know, they should really invent a machine that draws stuff for you. With color. Hmp.
Oh wait, that would be a printer. Ok then, they should really invent a machine, that draws stuff, but does not require any expensive ink. Oh wait, they cant invent that. Unless... the ink is recycled, like as in soy-based ink, i mean we already have that but...
GAH! Brain-work overload...
They should really invent something that will think for you and draw for you that totally runs on solar power and does not cost very much, impling that there will NOT be a big inflation, big in terms of general opinion. [Whew*] Ugh, that just complicates things more..
My head hurts. I think i'm gonna go get some ice.

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