Monday, December 3, 2007

How It's Made

I was watching How It's Made on Discovery Channel one day, and the WEIRDEST thing went on the show. [dun dun dun...*] They started to talk about how to make an ARTIFICIAL eye. Yep, thats right, artificial eye. So, the process was mostly creating the colors. The iris had to be manually DRAWN on the "eye", [ i missed the part in the beginning about what the actual white thing is] and then placed into the patient's eye socket place thingy. Well, the drawing part was kinda cool [i think it was acrylic paint..?]. But i really got freaked out when they inserted it into the patient's eye socket. It was.. creepy. They even have some sort of coating that gets buffed so it becomes all shiny and looks like its wet. O_o So, if you're ever missing an eye, just go to someplace where they make artificial eyes! Well of course, no offense to people who do have artificial eyes, i am in no way creeped out by that, just by the process of making the artificial eyes. I mean, How It's Made is always elaborating on these things... It gets cool once in a while, watching all those machines at work. So far my favorite episode was the one where they talked about how to make toilet paper. ^^ Did you know the paper pulp is first bleached? Well, the paper is actually recycled paper turned into pulp, then bleached for safety precautions, but of course the bleach is safe. [I have no idea how though.] So, then they press it into paper and make it dry, then roll it onto rolls and cut those rolls to manufacturing size. It's SO amazing how those robots are so efficent. Where do they find the space to put those things? Well anyways, im surprised i even remember that [it was a while ago]. My memory cells are tired, so off to Animal Crossing i go! [Grabs Ralph*] Ralph, you're coming too. :)

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