Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Told You! I Told You!

Like I said I would, I gave out cards for Christmas. They were kinda funny-looking... Well, it's better than nothing, right? {Ha, that's a rhetorical question, Ralph. Don't answer it!} It had like a frame with Cheese in it. I gave it mostly to people that actally did like Cheese, and that narrowed it down a lot, meaning less work for me! :)
Some examples of what i wrote in the card:
Your options for Christmas:
a. worship Cheese
b. worship Cheese
c. jump off a cliff
d. worship Cheese
And then there was:
Gah! Go fetch me a bucket of water, lass. My knee caps are dry!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yea...they sure weren't very great, but too bad! {sticks out tongue*}


Kimimon said...

Your card was missing words. It said "Fetch me a bucket oil my joints are squeaky" Was There a word missing? XDDDDD

sharon said...

Oh..yea. Ahaha, I guess I was tired...or something. Make up an excuse for me! :)