Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stories of the Past #1

Here's a new collection Ralph and I are trying to build: "Stories of the Past." It's supposed to be weird stuff that I remember {barely}. Hm... :)
I remember... this one time I was in first grade. I went to school just like any other day. Except, I forgot my homework. And my pencils. And everything else. Because I forgot my entire backpack. Yes, backpack. Not like halfway to the school, but I JUST remembered when I got to the school. And everyone kind of looked at me weird, wondering about why I didn't have my backpack with me. It took my grandpa like forever to get it back, I was in mortal peril {at the time}. It's kind of funny, actually, because everytime I carry my backpack to school I'm always wondering if I forgot it again. Thank god I don't, the homework these days counts for so much more...

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