Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random Trivia #1

Introducing....a funner way to spend time when you're bored! Sort of! Apparently, this idea came to me while I was working on my project. I should put trivia questions while posting on my blog! Here are some questions, just to test out how this works. Write down the letter of the answer on a piece of paper as you progress through the questions. Answers are posted at the bottom. Good luck!
1. How many days are there in a year?
a. 364
b. 365
c. It depends whether if it's leap-year or not
d. Dude! My toes are wiggly.

2. Who is Ralph?
a. My favorite toilet
b. Some guy on MySpace
c. A TellyTubby!
d. A GIANT piece of bread
3. How many colors are there on a Rubik's Cube?
a. 6
b. 5
c. However many colors there are on your face
d. Both b and c
4. How many digits of pi are there?
a. 156
b. 1,000,000,000,000,000
c. Infinite amount
d. 5,264,862,248,562,153,165,155,688,782,695,225,012,305,066,579
5. Which is my favorite TV show?
a. Discovery Channel
b. How It's Made
c. MythBusters
d. Hannah Montana

6. How old is my hamster?
a. Oh, it died a long time ago
b. I don't have one
c. Santa gives coal to the kids on the Nice List!
d. 1 year old

7. What is my friend's favorite catchphrase?
a. Shut it, buttface!
b. Dude!
c. Beep beep!!
d. Sorry, I'm a very bad stalker, so I have absolutely no idea who your friends are
8. What is Toblerone?
a. The most wonderfulest thing ever
b. A Swiss milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat
c. It doesn't exist
d. A Swiss dark chocolate with honey and almond nougat
9. In what size do the Toblerone come in?
a. 5.54 oz
b. 7.89 g
c. 3.52 oz
d. 102 g
10. What is Nutella?
a. Chocolate
b. Nuts
c. Chocolate spread
d. Nuts that a girl name Ella eats
How do you think you did?
The Rubric:
If you answered:
1-3 correct - you have NO idea what you are talking about.
4-6 correct - seem hirable. Do you work fulltime?
7-9 correct - dude! I don't like you.

1 comment:

Anna D said...
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