Sunday, December 16, 2007

Scrub-a-dub-dub...HEY! Go Away, You Pervert!

Soap. I like soap. It smells nice. Don't you think soap smells nice? I think soap smells very nice. Ralph also thinks soap smells nice. {Of course, he doesn't use them.} I just love saying that. S - O - A - P. Don't you think you couldn't live without soap? I think soap would be a good desert. I mean, aren't they made from animal fat, or something like that? Here's this one song my friend told me about: Music Box by Regina Spektor. It has some things to do with soap. :) I kinda don't get why we use soap. Psh, I know that, you know, it smells all nice and stuff. But back then, when the soap didn't smell flowery or whatever, what was even the point of using it? Just pure, raw, animal fat to rub on your skin? Is that very appealing? What do they make it out of now? Still animal fat? OH! Wax. Yea, wax. Like candles. WAIT! I think I could be confusing soap with candles. Candles were made of animal fat also.... Right? Hm. Or maybe they both were made of animal fat. But then again, nowadays candles are made of wax. And they also smell good. So does that mean candles have a relation to soap? Or does that mean candles have nothing to do with soap, and I've lost my sense of logic {again}? Could it be that soap used to smell good, and candles didn't? Could it be that both candles and soap used to smell good? Ah, I'm confused. Well now you have something to think about. GO FIND OUT!

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