Sunday, December 9, 2007

We Are The Rebellion!

Hmp, people these days. Really, what is it with those mechanical pencils? I mean, SO overly-priced, as well as lead-eating. [Even Ralph doesn't eat that much lead.] Do you KNOW how long a regular pencil can write up to? Like, REALLY write up to? The mechanical ones are pretty, sure, but they are just so hassle-some. You need to use them for those super-important bubbling test thingies throughout the year anyways. Never do you hear the phrase "my pencil broke" when you're using a wooden pencil, and maybe that's because it's simple enough that it doesn't require any real maintenance on the inside. [That excludes the possibility of actually breaking a wooden pencil in the middle, that rarely happens and can be easily avoided if you are being careful.] On the other hand, mechanical pencils often break or get stuck, and take a long time to fix. I guess you can say that mechanical pencils are totally avoidable, at some point you just have to use them. Like when you want a sharp point but do not possess a pencil sharpener, or when you don't want the pencil lead to get all over the place while you are carrying it. However, wooden pencils have a deeper lead, and can turn out really great when doing sketches. The pencil lead just seems to be more soft, and has a better grip for a better picture. So, now is your chance! Buy those wooden pencils, and don't waste any more of your time buying so much lead!

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