Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year's Eve

WHOO it's almost 2008....
Bah, I take that as a bad thing.
So, this is probably going to be pointless since I'm posting later about New Year's but...
Let's just sit back and enjoy with some fireworks, eh?
Yeah. Okay. <--{BEHOLD! I spelled it properly. :]}

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Does Anybody Have Some Cough Drops?

OMG I'M SO BEHIND! Well, you know, remember how I said I would try to post everyday, like keep having this blog updated with Ralph stuff, so that it won't become one of those really pitiful ones with an almost blank page, because someone didn't bother to add to it or to even delete it, 'cause they just didn't feel like it, or they didn't like to particularly consistent, ect? Yea, well I don't think the consistency thing is so easy now, it's just like some weirdo took this crunchy machine and suddenly messes up all my time so now it's like all frayed and deformed and making me go on and on and on and I finally think I understand adults when they go all whiny: "I don't have time!" I mean, I know I'm not halfway as busy as them, but something like that. So, because I've made it a big deal to all my friends {who have blogs} that they need to post everyday, I guess I should avoid being a hypocrite and post too. But like, NO IDEAS! Writer's block for even writing nothing. Hm. CONSISTENCY, I SHALL NEVER LOSE YOU! Sophie, just watch, I'll catch up, I WILL!!! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! {choke, cough*} Ok, I'm done with the maniacal laughing. Geez, they really should have spell check on this. Who knows if I'm spelling things wrong?

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Official Announcement: [Fanfare!*]

Ok ok, Google, is officially the AWESOMEST website in the whole world. :D [Ralph agrees with me. :)] I think I JUST realized ALL of Google's features. Like Google Pages, Google Groups, Google Books, Google Earth, Google Docs, Google Photos, Google Calendars, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Reader, GAH THIS IS GETTING ME SO EXCITED! Well, my point here, is that there's ENDLESS possibilities on the one site, AND IT'S SO AWESOME! Im starting to repeat myself here, why don't you go see for yourself? :)

Friday, December 28, 2007


Its kinda funny that most readers, when reading off an internet page that they are browsing or when reading the newpaper, dont exactly bother to read in DETAIL what is being said. So, if i decided to ramble on, and on, you probably wouldnt remember what i was talking about a few lines ago, or wouldnt care because none of it really makes sense. Or rather, this would be the most likely one, nobody would be reading this. O_o Anyways, the inexistent reader would probably stop about... -now-, considering it would be the point where im just rambling to myself. However, it is a bad example with my blog - most of it doesnt make sense - but if, lets say, one were reading a news article, there is just... no attraction to the page. It suddenly gets boring, even if the topic isnt. Could it be something with the screen? Does bright lights cause you to not want to read as much? I dont know how people usually read, but I often loose interest soon. [And im getting more and more self-concious by the minute...] Im gonna go eat some ice cream with Ralph now. BRAIN FREEZE! :]

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Future Time Capsule #2

Yay I'm doing one of these again! And yes I like to mock perky people! Then again, it really is hard to express emotions through writing, isn't it. Blech.

One thing I have to say:


Yea. That. Oh, wouldn't I like to have a waffle now.

So, anyways, how're you doing? I'm doing fine, thank you very much. Don't have to be so nosy SHEESH!

Ralph, why in the WORLD are you snickering? Stop it! {slap*slap*} Uh, I mean, um...

You know how bread are... they're not that reactive. The dough softens them up. :]


- Your Past Self

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Today, {well actually, this day, but not necessarily today 'cause I'm not writing this on "this day" that I'm posting under} I went to see Juno. {YES, I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!} And, by a friend's requests, I am now posting about it. Hence the title. Well, what can I say? {Not much, since I'm doing this against my will.} I guess it was a pretty good movie, appleasing for the crowd. The music was cool. :) It had a good beginning. And a good ending. The plot left me satisfied. The actors were pretty good, in the sense that it didn't sound so scripted, kind of just came naturally. Lots of funny moments. {I swear the people in the theatre were gonna upchuck their popcorn from so much contractions of the stomach from the punch lines.} But I still think it didn't have the essence of a good film. I mean, that's the thing with movies all the time. Horror, sci-fi, comedy. It's just all so...movieish. Someone else has redefined the meaning of movie. And that would be for it to be...entertaining. Well, entertaining means interesting. But not interesting, means not everyone will like it. This forces the movie producers to be...having the goal of the absolutely most profitable movie. It's not what it was supposed to be - a work of art. Art is not made for the purpose of earning profit, it's to show the viewers or audience what the message or meaning of the art itself is supposed to be. A camera can capture a lot of things, but it's no fun when you're just watching people talk on the screen. You do that when you're outside, in a crowd. I just...have a different definition for a good film. This film...I would say it wasy okay, but not that special. Then again, that's just my opinion. Don't listen to my opinion, 'cause it's always deranged and horrific. Ralph agrees.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Yay! It's Christmas! Except I'm not really that excited. It's just fun pretending to be excited for a holiday. :] At least we get winter break to spend time with.. "family"? Hm. I don't know. We don't have a tree this year, we don't have a tree any year! Not really a tree type of person. More like a, "let's be joyous and merry and spend our weekend at Vegas!" type of thing. Of course, that is absolutely, totally, against my will. Duh. Let's just say we "had" a tree... Pretend is fun. :]
I must be so pathetic huh, posting on my blog on Christmas.. Ha.... :D Well I did do some other stuff today, like cook for dinner. Cooking is fun too. :]
No tree = No presents. {Yes, I know..} Oh, well. Who needs those things anyway. :]
My imaginary stockings:
Ralph and I sent you our warmest Christmas wishes!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Episode 4: The Souvenirs

Ah... I must say... I did get some pretty good souvenirs from the middle of nowhere as I was traveling in the car to Las Vegas. {Yes, this is the last episode. Aren't you glad there aren't any more?} :]
I took some pictures, mostly of mountains, just so Ralph can see what it was like. I didn't want him to miss out on anything. :]
These pictures are all taken by ME! Meaning I get CREDIT for all of them {at least the ones on this post}. :D
Dude these things take up SOOOOOOOOOOOO much space! For some reason I'm not able to move them around very well... Dang the stupid high resolution!
Aren't they pretty though?
Well, can't put up too much, I won't have space for other pictures! :[
It's Chirstmas Eve. Go spend some time with family. Ralph and I will be okay. :]

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Episode 3: The Absurdity, Continued

It's SUNDAY! And I've spent the day in LAS VEGAS. WITHOUT Ralph. Isn't that a wonderful choice? Hm.. {Unless you haven't noticed, yes I AM being sarcastic.} Today was basically the same.. Really cold too. I wanted to go to pool, because it looked SOO BIG, but it was, like I said, too cold. So instead my parents let me go visit, and see what it's like up close. Turns out, the good part was closed. Only the kiddy pool was open. Hmp.
The pool was really far away, and we kept getting lost... Such big structures.. Sigh.
We checked out of hotels immediately after waking up and a light breakfast. Then we deposited our stuff at a friend's room. They were going to stay another day.... Today was our last day in Vegas.
Drove to this stupid lunch place... Again, smoking METROPOLIS! I chocked my self to death. AND I also purposely coughed loudly in front of them. I guess they were too into their cigarett to notice. Hmp.
Lunch was so-so, not exactly good, not exactly bad. I wasn't too full, but I ate as much as I could. Tolerable, I suppose.
We drove around the Strip a little bit, which I enjoyed {since there were smoke-proof windows in the cars and we didn't have to walk OUTSIDE}. :] Like we had planned, we got out, and did walk around a little bit. Some of the people that we were traveling with wanted to purchase tickets for a show, so we went with them. But going to purchase the tickets meant GOING INSIDE THE CASINO. IN THE HOTEL AND RESORTS. WHERE ALL THE SMOKERS ARE LOCATED. This place was obviously worse than the restaurant {it's INDOORS so all the smoke stays in}. We were there for about an hour, I almost fainted. We finally exited and came to the highlight of the day:
I don't remember the name of the actual coaster... Express something... :]
The other person who wanted to ride this with me has been looking forward to it all along. I guess she was right. It is REALLY cool.
Took a while to find it though, and yet again we had to go through the stupid casino. WHY AREN'T THERE SMOKING LAWS IN NEVADA?! I DON'T WANT TO STAY IN THE RESTROOM THE WHOLE TIME! ARG.
We finally found it, and the other person and I were the only people riding it.
Can you believe the cost was $14 FOR EACH PERSON?! Crazy. That'd better be tax deductible.
The tickets were purchased, and we stood in line. Not many people that day, just a few minutes until the ride.
Usually, I don't get scared for roller coasters. But you should've seen me that day, as I was walking up to that coaster. From outside it looked HUGE! And it really is.
I slowly got on...
Put on my seat belt and all that other stuff...
And the ride started.
The thing is, I always get sore throats when I'm on roller coasters. So what happened kind of sounded like this:
I have to tell you, that was SUPER ULTRA SCARY {and awesome}. My throat was sore from screaming so much..
There was speed. And height. And turns. OH, THE TURNS. O_o
So, we finished, {it was REALLY LONG!} and we kind of got lost for a bit. Neither of us had cell-phones {we gave them to somebody to hold incase they escaped during the ride}, so we wandered around for a bit. I saw these really cool arcade thingies, except there were SO MANY! I asked my dad {when we finally found them} whethere I could play on some of those thingies. He said no. I said YES! Then I got dragged back into the casino, and we left. We walked to the monorail, and rode it back to the other person's hotel room. It was very fun.
Then I realized I had LEFT MY BAG, back in the car. We didn't ride the car to get back to the hotel. We walked. And that car was going to be used to go to the one show {that the persons bought tickets for} and they couldn't be late. So just as they left for the show, I had realized my bad was gone. And in my bag there were the essential contents: My iPod for sleeping on the car, my DS with the Animal Crossing game, my camera with all the pictures I took that I was going to post on my blog when I got home, and other important stuff. But it was gone. ALL GONE. So the adults tried to calm me down, and tell me that I'd get it back tomorrow. I was thinking: Hmp. O_o
Anyway, just like that, we left. We left without my precious bag, and I passed time on the car without any of my electronic devices. :[ IT WAS HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE! We had a late dinner, at Denny's or something, don't really remember because I was slightly unconsious... Then we got home, and here I am, complaining about this whole trip. What a waste of time. {Sigh..*}

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Episode 2: The Horribleness of it All

As I was unwillingly dragged onto the most horriblest trip anyone in the whole world can possibly imagine, {sigh*} I'm tired of all these hyperboles, going to stop now. {deep breath*} The car trip was horrible, TONS of motion sickness ALL THE WAY THERE, FOR LIKE, ALL THOSE STINKIN' HOURS WHEN I COULD'VE DONE SOMETHING ELSE. I MEAN, I COULD soooo HAVE SOMETHING BETTER ELSE TO DO. DON'T YOU AGREE? We had fastfood for lunch, but it wasn't really fast because there was like a HUGE crowd there and the waiting went on, and on, and on... It took us around 30 minutes to order, pick-up our order, and find some seats {yes, the seats were even jam-packed}. La, la, la, the usual, boring trip, started playing AC but got too dizzy when Tom Nook started rambling about shopping, I was seeing double of those oranges, and had no energy in my thumb to go pick them up. Half the time, I was falling asleep. Half the time, I looked out the window. .. 0000001% of the time I glanced at my pitiful self from an imaginable point of view high, high above the clouds...and started brainstorming of what I could be doing at that time, such as blogging about how horrible this whole event is/was. So, I kinda bugged the people in the back to go look for the camera at the very very very bottom of the trunk inside the whatever bag it was. Then, FINALLY! My savior has come for me. And I took some picutres of very pointless things. They looked like they came from the middle of nowhere {and they certainly did}. Well, after I almost used up all the battery in the camera, we stopped at the outlets for TEN MINUTES! Apparently, SOME people from the little party of ours had to go to a stupid show so they had to catch the time and WE HAD TO LEAVE. My parents were all, "Oh, we'll come back tomorrow." Guess what we did tomorrow? After arriving in LV we went to our hotel. There was SO MUCH TRAFFIC I swear somebody could have died waiting in those lines... Then we arrived at the hotel, the decorations were so bad and looked all yellow and pale. I never knew Mandalay Bay was like that. Lots of people at the front registration/room checkout/lobby place thingy, so we had to wait some more {again}. I chatted with some people, then finally we got to our room, and dropped off all our stuff. Off to dinner we went, then waited SOME MORE for all members of party to arrive at meeting place. I wandered off, anticipating another half hour to kill...and started to look around. There were some magazines; I critically examined the advertisments. Thank god there wasn't too much of those retarded Rated PG-13 ads. {those annoy the heck out of me} Suddenly I see these huge fans at the ceiling, and they're like waving towards the entrance. Except it's kinda got holes in it, so it takes away the point of a fan... Really pretty though, clam shaped, it's a theme at Mandalay. Beach-like or something. I don't think most people noticed it though, since it was kind of pointless in the first place... I then got tired of raising my head and looking like a doof {although I usually prefer it but at that very moment the neckache kind of made me change my mind}, and decided to study the wall, which was some kind of destroyed-marble thingy. Who knows, I have bad memory of the interior decorating details of a hotel that I was incidentally dragged to against my will. So, after lots of tiresome observing, we proceeded to dinner, which was not very interesting as there was no interior decorating in an effort to please the customers or something. {only big and fancy restaurants do that, but sometimes the lighting is so dim you can't exactly tell what they're trying to decorate} THEN, IT HAPPENED. WE WERE IN THE CAR, AND...we stopped. Outside of. A. cAsInO. My first though: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I swear you could hear my nose's bloodcurling scream as i reluctantly got out of the stupid automobile. Ugh, it was horrible, absolutely HORRIBLE! So, basically, the whole time we were in that stupid building that shouldn't have been built in the first place, I struggled with my sleeve. Super-ultra-sensitivity to smoke is NOT a good thing when visiting such places as Vegas. I really did not know why we were in the casino in the first place, just usual tourism or something. The whole time my nose was suffering in hell {as were my lungs} and nobody noticed/cared. It really really really sucks when you're walking really fast to the exit 'cause you really want to get out of that place, but incidentally you just happen to walk into a cloud of smoke that was extruded from someone's mouth that you just walked by who was standing really close to you. Then I personally start into this coughing fit and give my evil glare to whatever idiot that was killing themselves, and me as well with the second-hand smoke. Yes, THAT'S RIGHT, I JUST DISSED SMOKERS. SERIOUSLY, I RESENT THE FACT THAT YOU DON'T HAVE THE COURAGE TO QUIT. Bad, bad, BAD EXAMPLE TO SET, ESPECIALLY IF YOU SMOKE IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS! So, anyways, continuing, I think I could've killed myself by the time I arrived back to the car. Needed nose replacements. The driver at the time miraculously managed to chauffeur us back to the hotel, without my nose bleeding to death. Then it was watch adults chat and walk around, go back to hotel room, and end of night. The bedsheets were REALLY REALLY itchy, I totally hated them. They were warm though, but I still hate the bed/bedding. Really uncomfortable, I recommend you not go there. The spring mattress...I didn't sleep very well on it, and woke up all sore in the morning. The interior decorating was more detailed than some of the hotels I've stayed at... Not so ugly either. Their highlight was: the door to neighboring room, and the bathroom. They were like so pretty, even had a big bath tub {for bubble baths ^^}. There were these doors, and they were lockable. If the doors in the neighboring room were open, there would be access to your neighboring room {but only one of them}. Unfortunately, the rooms that our party had gotten weren't next to each other, but surely someone would find those doors to good use. {sigh..*} Long day, long day, wasn't it? And without Ralph too. :(

Friday, December 21, 2007

Episode 1: The Argument

So, apparently my parents were convinced by their friends and so on, that they should totally join them, on this "really cool" trip for Christmas weekend. Guess where? Well, let's hope this will help. Here's the conversation I had with my mom, debating about the trip. {It's not word for word, I didn't record it or anything.}

Mom: So, we were thinking, maybe we could go somewhere for Christmas.

Me: {Already overheard the phone conversation} NO WAY! You can't drag me there no matter how hard you try!

Mom: You know what I'm takling about?

Me: Yes, and I'm NOT going to Las Vegas! {<-----big hint of where the trip is going to be}

Mom: Oh come on, what else are you going to do on Christmas? Sit around all day, take a nap, and clean up the house? {and guess what we end up doing}

Me: {cricket chirps*} Well I certainly don't want to lose my nose to all those stupid smoking people. I don't want lung cancer from those idiots.... Plus, the trip is WAY WAY WAY to long to endure.

Mom: We're still going to go shopping at the outlets.

Me: {brightens up a bit} {un-brightens up} No.

{a few seconds pass}

Me: Only if you get me a face mask.

Mom: What?

{Fin} went something like that. Well anyway, you can tell what I'm trying to illustrate, right? O_o Just thinking about Vegas makes me gag. I DO NOT LIKE TO WAIT VERY LONG TO GET TO A VERY FAR AWAY DESTINATION WHILE GETTING MOTION SICKNESS! Very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable indeed. Plus, I won't get to see Ralph for several days...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Told You! I Told You!

Like I said I would, I gave out cards for Christmas. They were kinda funny-looking... Well, it's better than nothing, right? {Ha, that's a rhetorical question, Ralph. Don't answer it!} It had like a frame with Cheese in it. I gave it mostly to people that actally did like Cheese, and that narrowed it down a lot, meaning less work for me! :)
Some examples of what i wrote in the card:
Your options for Christmas:
a. worship Cheese
b. worship Cheese
c. jump off a cliff
d. worship Cheese
And then there was:
Gah! Go fetch me a bucket of water, lass. My knee caps are dry!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yea...they sure weren't very great, but too bad! {sticks out tongue*}

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Future Time Capsule #1

Yay I'm making a time capsule! WHEEEEEEEEEEE! Yes, I know, I know... HI FUTURE SELF! I EXPECT YOU NOW TO BE:
a) Laughing your head off
b) Bewildered at the fact that this blog still exists
c) Trying to panickly close the window so you won't have to see this
d) Wondering why you have unfaithfully abandoned this wonderful time-keeping blog..
{Sigh*} We'll never know what'll happen to this, will we?
Well, I'll keep leaving these thingies for you, future self. Have fun trying to kill yourself from embarassment. :]
- Your Past Self

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stories of the Past #1

Here's a new collection Ralph and I are trying to build: "Stories of the Past." It's supposed to be weird stuff that I remember {barely}. Hm... :)
I remember... this one time I was in first grade. I went to school just like any other day. Except, I forgot my homework. And my pencils. And everything else. Because I forgot my entire backpack. Yes, backpack. Not like halfway to the school, but I JUST remembered when I got to the school. And everyone kind of looked at me weird, wondering about why I didn't have my backpack with me. It took my grandpa like forever to get it back, I was in mortal peril {at the time}. It's kind of funny, actually, because everytime I carry my backpack to school I'm always wondering if I forgot it again. Thank god I don't, the homework these days counts for so much more...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Excuses, Excuses

Ah, it's been a while since i've been here, had to do a lot of catch-up work. [Yes, i treat this very seriously, like a job. Well of course, i'm my own boss, i get to write about anything, and nobody reads this anyway, maybe except Ralph, so i dont get pay.] :) It's winter, i'm cold, and i have about a thousand different excuses for why i haven't been writing recently. [Yes boss, forgive me!]
1. It's cold, my fingers lose energy and i lose my train of thought. They become all frozen, and i can't type properly. My brain just kinda goes into lag mode. Also, i keep having to add on more and more pieces of clothing, making it hard to complete my work since i can barely move. I feel like a puff ball.
2. I have a BUNCH of stuff to do. [That includes homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, homework, project, project, project, project, project, practicing that darn music, dissolving chocolate, and collecting fruit in AC.] It's just a never-ending list, and posting on my blog isn't exactly going to fit on there quite well.
3. There is like almost nothing to write about, since my "Writer's Notebook" operation is totally failing. Really horrible, one might say. I barely remember to write in it every few days, and not very many interesting topics occur to me while the pen is immobile in my grip. Not very inspirations from other places either. Winter just seems kind of dead. However, i must say that i am still writing in my journal. [You know, i really cant tell the difference between writing in the two. Except, one is a really bad spiral notebook, and the other is this huge binded book with smooth paper and pretty lines^^.] Anyways, im trying my hardest to keep detailed notes of my day so that when the government finds my diary they can publish it and i'll become famous when i'm dead! [Throws hands in the air*.] Yea, no.
4. Too many distractions on my computer. One minute i would be working on my blog, then the other minute i would be talking on some instant messaging program. Then playing some games. Then working on my website project. Then i'd be playing some more games. Before you know it, my time's all gone. So i end up not turning on the computer too often, i have lots of other stuff to do.
5. What can i say? It's gets tiring sometimes, i run out of energy to do anything, anything at all. [That excludes eating ice cream.] Lazy, i guess? It's a trait in everybody. EVERYBODY EXCEPT THOSE DARN PEOPLE WHO GET UP SO EARLY IN THE MORNING ON A DAILY BASIS! [Shakes fists at young people running around.*]
There, was that good enough for you? Ah, probably not. I have very high expectations from my boss. [wink*] Ok, that was really relieving for my writer's block. My fingers ARE getting cold...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Scrub-a-dub-dub...HEY! Go Away, You Pervert!

Soap. I like soap. It smells nice. Don't you think soap smells nice? I think soap smells very nice. Ralph also thinks soap smells nice. {Of course, he doesn't use them.} I just love saying that. S - O - A - P. Don't you think you couldn't live without soap? I think soap would be a good desert. I mean, aren't they made from animal fat, or something like that? Here's this one song my friend told me about: Music Box by Regina Spektor. It has some things to do with soap. :) I kinda don't get why we use soap. Psh, I know that, you know, it smells all nice and stuff. But back then, when the soap didn't smell flowery or whatever, what was even the point of using it? Just pure, raw, animal fat to rub on your skin? Is that very appealing? What do they make it out of now? Still animal fat? OH! Wax. Yea, wax. Like candles. WAIT! I think I could be confusing soap with candles. Candles were made of animal fat also.... Right? Hm. Or maybe they both were made of animal fat. But then again, nowadays candles are made of wax. And they also smell good. So does that mean candles have a relation to soap? Or does that mean candles have nothing to do with soap, and I've lost my sense of logic {again}? Could it be that soap used to smell good, and candles didn't? Could it be that both candles and soap used to smell good? Ah, I'm confused. Well now you have something to think about. GO FIND OUT!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random Trivia #1

Introducing....a funner way to spend time when you're bored! Sort of! Apparently, this idea came to me while I was working on my project. I should put trivia questions while posting on my blog! Here are some questions, just to test out how this works. Write down the letter of the answer on a piece of paper as you progress through the questions. Answers are posted at the bottom. Good luck!
1. How many days are there in a year?
a. 364
b. 365
c. It depends whether if it's leap-year or not
d. Dude! My toes are wiggly.

2. Who is Ralph?
a. My favorite toilet
b. Some guy on MySpace
c. A TellyTubby!
d. A GIANT piece of bread
3. How many colors are there on a Rubik's Cube?
a. 6
b. 5
c. However many colors there are on your face
d. Both b and c
4. How many digits of pi are there?
a. 156
b. 1,000,000,000,000,000
c. Infinite amount
d. 5,264,862,248,562,153,165,155,688,782,695,225,012,305,066,579
5. Which is my favorite TV show?
a. Discovery Channel
b. How It's Made
c. MythBusters
d. Hannah Montana

6. How old is my hamster?
a. Oh, it died a long time ago
b. I don't have one
c. Santa gives coal to the kids on the Nice List!
d. 1 year old

7. What is my friend's favorite catchphrase?
a. Shut it, buttface!
b. Dude!
c. Beep beep!!
d. Sorry, I'm a very bad stalker, so I have absolutely no idea who your friends are
8. What is Toblerone?
a. The most wonderfulest thing ever
b. A Swiss milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat
c. It doesn't exist
d. A Swiss dark chocolate with honey and almond nougat
9. In what size do the Toblerone come in?
a. 5.54 oz
b. 7.89 g
c. 3.52 oz
d. 102 g
10. What is Nutella?
a. Chocolate
b. Nuts
c. Chocolate spread
d. Nuts that a girl name Ella eats
How do you think you did?
The Rubric:
If you answered:
1-3 correct - you have NO idea what you are talking about.
4-6 correct - seem hirable. Do you work fulltime?
7-9 correct - dude! I don't like you.

Friday, December 14, 2007

~All I Want For Christmas Are My Two Front Teeth~

Yea... it's one of those wishlist thingys. IM SORRY RALPH! I couldn't help it. :] 1. A tablet! You know, the ones that connect to the computer, and you can totally draw with them and stuff! My teacher uses it all the time in class, it's so cool. It's for drawing on paint and stuff. Ugh, paper is so old fashioned. :) But then again, I wouldn't know if I'd actually use it or not... Hm. 2. An iHome or some other kind of iPod docks. ONE MUST BLARE MUSIC FROM SPEAKERS! I could just plug it in, and charge is as well. No need to waste all that electricity of turning on the computer. GO GREEN! :)

3. A scrapbooking kit. With lots of pretty papers, and tips, and all those other really cool things that come with them. I really don't know where that came from, probably just another one of those random impulses. There's a lot at Borders... BORDERS!

4. A decent camera, one that i can actually use. Not another one of those that parents get and then they promise to share it with you. Nuh-uh. No sharing. 'Cause I'm a greedy-butt who doesn't like having their pictures deleted by people with bad taste. :]


Thursday, December 13, 2007

{Scratch Scratch*}

Screen protectors, Covers. Purchase now! Ok, really. I've always wondered about these things. People drop stuff. Important stuff. And they scratch stuff. Important stuff with shiny surfaces. So? So it looks bad. And ugly. And distasteful. The solution the market has provided? Screen protectors, and covers galore! What is the real meaning of these overly-priced precautionary items? Does the protector not get scratched in the first place? What is the difference between a scratched protector and a scratched version of the original item? Does the protector really have meaning? I guess, at some point, you could say that you would replace the protector once it gets in really bad condition. But what if the protector was really really expensive? What would you do then? Would you just leave the protector on? Or would you take it off? Would there have been a point of having the protector in the first place? Sure, maybe once in a while somebody would go, "Wow! That's a really nice looking/clean/scratch-free ______!" Hm. I mean, it just gets tiring sometimes. I think the business market has cleverly put in a propaganda thought in our minds, that we just have to have to protectors/cases! Is it not just extra money to spend? Another piece of matter that gets you excited when you're purchasing the item? I know that basically everyone who knows how to take care of their things has protectors, but sometimes it just gets really tiring. As if someone told you that you had to have one. Because you think you do have to have one. Does having a case mean you can do whatever with what's inside the case? So, through my own deductive reasoning, I have realized that things with cases do look better, and that I do not posses deductive reasoning, but rather circular reasoning. Still, it makes a lot more sense when it's in words. Ralph agrees with me. :]

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Never Knew!

I was looking at this one piece of paper one day, and it said "Animal Xing". So, i was thinking, huh? Then it was, oh! It took me a while to realize that it was actually supposed to read "Animal Crossing". {I guess i didnt eat too much breakfast that day.} Suddenly, it all came rushing back to me: all those signs, the bright neon ones and the paint on the roads, they all read "crossing" instead of just "xing". I always used to pronounce it like "zing" instead. For example: "Ped Xing" and "Children Xing" and "School Xing". It was just...a moment of discovery, i was hit by a huge gust of wind! Or something like that. Anyway, if you've suffered like i did, with the loss of such important information, you shall suffer no more! {I think it's just me, though.} Somebody should make a sign that says "Ralph Xing". :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I Wish For a Magic Pony!

Here's a conversation between Ralph and I one day:
Ralph: "H-E-Y W-O-U-L-D Y-O-U M-I-N-D P-O-S-T-I-N-G U-P M-Y W-I-S-H-L-I-S-T ?"
Me: sure.
Ralph: "Y-A-A-Y-Y-Y-Y!!"
So, here it is:
1. "A F-R-I-E-N-D , P-R-E-F-E-R-A-B-L-Y A-N-O-T-H-E-R G-I-A-N-T P-I-E-C-E O-F B-R-E-A-D , S-O-M-E-O-N-E W-H-O S-H-A-R-E-S L-O-T-S O-F T-H-I-N-G-S I-N C-O-M-M-O-N W-I-T-H M-E , L-I-K-E A S-O-U-L M-A-T-E , K-I-N-D-A !"
2. "S-O-M-E B-U-T-T-E-R L-O-T-I-O-N T-H-I-N-G-Y F-R-O-M B-A-T-H A-N-D B-R-E-A-D W-O-R-K-S !"
Santa, did you hear that?

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Hunt is On!

In general, people collect things, sometimes for fun, sometimes for a rather serious purpose. These items range from hats, to seashells, to rocks, to gems, to gift cards, to shirts, to leaves, to grass, to medals, to candy, to fruit, to gum, to cooking utensils, to stickers, to photos, to stuffed animals, to mirrors, to glass, to light bulbs, to newspapers, to magazines, to magnets, to furniture, to games, to computers, to bags, to shoes, to books, to Ralph, on and on, ect. Me? Oh, i like to collect erasers. In fact i have a whole drawer full of them, my precious little babies. ^^ I never use these, and never give them out. They come in all sorts of different colors, some blue, gray, green, pink, yello, orange, on, and on, and on...erasers galore. I guess i just thought that they looked better in my room than on a hook at the store. I never go for the rip-off ones, just the cute-looking ones that seem to work well. I'm always hunting for more, and i shall never rest until i have all the erasers that i could ever want! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

We Are The Rebellion!

Hmp, people these days. Really, what is it with those mechanical pencils? I mean, SO overly-priced, as well as lead-eating. [Even Ralph doesn't eat that much lead.] Do you KNOW how long a regular pencil can write up to? Like, REALLY write up to? The mechanical ones are pretty, sure, but they are just so hassle-some. You need to use them for those super-important bubbling test thingies throughout the year anyways. Never do you hear the phrase "my pencil broke" when you're using a wooden pencil, and maybe that's because it's simple enough that it doesn't require any real maintenance on the inside. [That excludes the possibility of actually breaking a wooden pencil in the middle, that rarely happens and can be easily avoided if you are being careful.] On the other hand, mechanical pencils often break or get stuck, and take a long time to fix. I guess you can say that mechanical pencils are totally avoidable, at some point you just have to use them. Like when you want a sharp point but do not possess a pencil sharpener, or when you don't want the pencil lead to get all over the place while you are carrying it. However, wooden pencils have a deeper lead, and can turn out really great when doing sketches. The pencil lead just seems to be more soft, and has a better grip for a better picture. So, now is your chance! Buy those wooden pencils, and don't waste any more of your time buying so much lead!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Digging Deep: The Secrets of the Pen!

Have you ever had a special pen? One that just happens to be super duper ultra awesome? One thats REALLY good-flowing? For example, one that you find, lying around the house, or on the floor, or at the supermarket when you sign the receipt? Yea, those pens are awesome. And sometimes, they are popular and get manufactured often, so its really easy to find them again. The Catch: The new one that you bought will never be the same. My Hypothesis: Pens only work well when they have been "broken into". By this, i mean that they have to be well used in terms of age. A pen thats new, can never compare to a pen thats new in terms of comfort and smoothness. Of course, that is because the ball point is quite messed up and stuck in its place. Meanwhile, a used pen has a smooth ball with ink all over it because the ball has been rolled several times, and is smooth with oil. Obviously, one would prefer the old pen, right? That is not the case, most of the times. An old pen, that was not taken care of properly, would have bits of dirt, and lots of other gross stuff in the crevices of the pen. Compare it to a new pen, and its appeal would totally beat the other one's butt. [Assuming that it does have a butt. But it obviously wouldn't be as cute as Ralph's butt. That was a compliment, Ralph. :) ] But, if one were to actually have tried to use both, they would probably pick the older one. It'll be much better at writing. I mean, a pen's a pen, its gonna get dirty some way or another, right? :) Also, the only thing that matters, is what ink is placed on the paper, and now convenient it was to place that ink on the paper. Its whats inside that counts, correct? So, beware my friends! Next time you buy new pens, scour you room before you do that, and take a good LOOK at your old ones. Are they really that ugly? Are they really dirty beyond cleaning? Is it really worth it break out a new pen? Your pen can be very special to you, so dont waste any. Remember, ink that comes out of a pen, is cheaper than ink that comes out of a printer! :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Progress Update

Just checking in here, with myself, of the new writer's notebook thingy! :) I've given up the part about the whole "bring it everywhere" thing, kinda annoying now. BUT, im still writing in it almost everyday, so i guess im making up for it. Im practicing writing really REALLY long entries so far, and it'll help my writing hand. I've boxed all the things that i think should be blog topics, so hopefully now i'll have more interesting stuff to write about. [Or rather, its ironic the fact that i'm saying i'll have better things to write about, when i am writing about the actual event of me brainstorming for things to write about. That sort of takes away the whole point of me talking about it out loud. Then again, you'll never know if i dont say it, right? Well, i guess you really dont need to know that... Gah! Voluntary information is always unnecessary.] Anyways, Ralph will always be there to support me. Haha. :] [Launches tomato at reader*]

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Worst Case Scenario

[Sigh..*] Today, the absolute worst thing happened. So, i was walking to class, and we were waiting for the teacher to come, and my classmate points to my foot.
My foot
had the remnants
Yep, thats right. I stepped in poo. At school. O_o Does anyone else find that strange? I mean, SERIOUSLY! Totally ruined my day. Hmp. So, i immediately rushed to the stupid restroom, and washed my shoe. In soap. And then scrubbed it a thousand times. And rinsed. Then another cycle of soap. Then some more scrubbing, and rinsing. By the time i was done, my whole shoe was wet. And school was way far from over. Ugh, worst experience ever. So, i went back to class, foot feeling weird, and slighly smelling of poo, with a lot of soap scent. I need to spray that thing down with air freshener... Come on Ralph. Let's go de-stinkify my shoe! ><

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Trip To The Library

Today i went to the library, for research with our teacher for our project. It was a big library, with a BUNCH of floors. I handed in my library card application, and got started! The shelves were old and dusty, and so were the books. With creaky floors, and grand halls, i felt as if the library was from some old age. Of course, i was mistakened, as they had a LOT of resources that were quite recent, and useful as well. The most memorable part about that library, was the elevator. Yes, elevator. I was thinking : Hm, big library, cool elevator, right? Um, no, not really. It turned out to be quite packed, and thin feeling. The walls felt thin. It was a thin elevator. As in not sturdy. O_o So, i didnt want to go through all those stairs, and decided to try it out. It was the only elevator in the entire building, but there werent many people using it. Anyways, i went in with my friend, and the whole thing croaked. I mean , it sounded like it was going to come apart. There were sqeaks here and there, and i almost expected the whole thing to start shaking. Thank god the ride was short. Later on, i had to go on it several times [i was carrying heavy books and didnt want to walk all the way there], but it was creepiest when i had to go alone. I was kinda saying to myself: Think Ralphy thoughts, think Ralphy thoughts. I guess it wasnt that scary, but rather i made a big deal out of it, to myself. Anyways, it sure was fun there. So educational! O_o

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Mighty Toucan

As i was helping out a teacher today, she came upon a document, and decided to share it with me. Apparently, it was a poem, one that she had known ever since childhood. [And memorized as well.] Here it is:
The Mighty Toucan
Whatever one Toucan can do
Is sooner done by Toucans two
And three Toucans, it's very true
Can do much more than two can do
And Toucans numbering two plus two can
Manage more than all the zoo can
In fact there is no Toucan who can
Do what four or three or two can
Ahaha, isnt that neat? Yop, very interesting, very interesting indeed. So, anytime you get bored, just recite the ol' poem!
*note: Ralph and i dedicate this post to the awesome teacher who shared the poem with me. :)

Monday, December 3, 2007

How It's Made

I was watching How It's Made on Discovery Channel one day, and the WEIRDEST thing went on the show. [dun dun dun...*] They started to talk about how to make an ARTIFICIAL eye. Yep, thats right, artificial eye. So, the process was mostly creating the colors. The iris had to be manually DRAWN on the "eye", [ i missed the part in the beginning about what the actual white thing is] and then placed into the patient's eye socket place thingy. Well, the drawing part was kinda cool [i think it was acrylic paint..?]. But i really got freaked out when they inserted it into the patient's eye socket. It was.. creepy. They even have some sort of coating that gets buffed so it becomes all shiny and looks like its wet. O_o So, if you're ever missing an eye, just go to someplace where they make artificial eyes! Well of course, no offense to people who do have artificial eyes, i am in no way creeped out by that, just by the process of making the artificial eyes. I mean, How It's Made is always elaborating on these things... It gets cool once in a while, watching all those machines at work. So far my favorite episode was the one where they talked about how to make toilet paper. ^^ Did you know the paper pulp is first bleached? Well, the paper is actually recycled paper turned into pulp, then bleached for safety precautions, but of course the bleach is safe. [I have no idea how though.] So, then they press it into paper and make it dry, then roll it onto rolls and cut those rolls to manufacturing size. It's SO amazing how those robots are so efficent. Where do they find the space to put those things? Well anyways, im surprised i even remember that [it was a while ago]. My memory cells are tired, so off to Animal Crossing i go! [Grabs Ralph*] Ralph, you're coming too. :)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Grand Pause*

PHEW! I FINALLY finished that darn project i have been working on for the past 3 days. This is a moment to remember. [grand pause*]
Ok, on with my life. :]
Right now im in the middle of constructing my "Group" and "Google Page". The Group is just for fun, like a little groupie [hence the name "Group"]. It's this cool feature they have on Google, and you could share it with your friends by adding them as members. The Google Pages thing is actually for my project, and I NEED TO WORK ON IT. A LOT. [Yep, i sure do have a lot of projects.] So people, i leave my life in your hands. REMIND ME TO WORK ON THE PROJECT! If not, you shall soon be receiving an invitation to my funeral. SOON. So, when i finally find the time to get those 2 sites interesting and full, i shall be adding them to my "links" sidebar. So much stuff to do these days... I think im JUST gonna take a little break... :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007


So far, i've managed to have at least one post EVERY DAY! It's this endurance thing im trying to do. Boy, do these days pass by past. It's kinda funny how i keep track of my time, because i do it with my blog. ^^ Everyday i remember to post, and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Of course, writing just to write is stupid. But writing to write as recreational time passing activity? Acceptable. :] Plus, i also got to meet Ralph. AND NO, HE IS NOT AN IMAGINARY FRIEND! Ok well, maybe. BUT STILL. EVEN IMAGINARY FRIENDS ARE AWESOME. Don't you guys watch Fosters? O_o What have i taught you..? [sigh..*]
[Pats Ralph on back*] It's -- it's ok Ralph. [weeps*] We dont care what -- what they think. Right Ralph? [sobs*]
You know, they should really invent a machine that draws stuff for you. With color. Hmp.
Oh wait, that would be a printer. Ok then, they should really invent a machine, that draws stuff, but does not require any expensive ink. Oh wait, they cant invent that. Unless... the ink is recycled, like as in soy-based ink, i mean we already have that but...
GAH! Brain-work overload...
They should really invent something that will think for you and draw for you that totally runs on solar power and does not cost very much, impling that there will NOT be a big inflation, big in terms of general opinion. [Whew*] Ugh, that just complicates things more..
My head hurts. I think i'm gonna go get some ice.

Friday, November 30, 2007

[Pulls Hair Out Of Head*]

GAH! Adjectives are driving me crazy. Not enough of them for my project! Especially for the fact that they have to be in a foreign language, and that i have VERY limited vocabulary. Ugh, so hasslesome... I was basically watching tv with Ralph the whole day, [well not the WHOLE DAY...] and ive seen some interesting things on Discovery channel... They seriously have COOL stuff on there. Like "How It's Made", and "MythBusters". Its educational, AND interesting at the same time. Amazing huh? :) Everybody get me Toblerone for Christmas! [cough*] But of course, dont expect anything from me. :) [Goes into hibernation to protect myself during Christmas season*] WARN ME WHEN IT'S OVER!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense

The raindrops land on my face
I stumble on
Determined to follow
Its all a blur
As I watch
People move about
I wrap my arms around myself
And wish
For colder weather;


I've been thinking, and it seems that a jacket is really important in one's life. I mean, especially if one wears it alot. People tend to recognize one by their jacket, because a jacket can be really special. I mean, so much to see, feel, remember. Its an exception to the "clothing repeat" rule. A person could be always wearing it, but they wont be bothered upon about the fact that they keep wearing it. :) A jacket has so much character, and could define the person alot. Its a personal item, a thing that never gets old. And even if it does get old, and small, and tattered, it'll still be special. What you wear tells a lot about you, but not necessarily everything. A jacket is there to wrap it up, to keep you warm, to layer your outfit. It could be there to match the rest, could be there to prevent you from freezing, it could be tied around your waist. Whatever your special jacket is for, its special, and im repeating myself. :) I must get back to my Ralph... we're playing Monopoly again. ^^

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Lack of Creative Juices

[Sigh..*] Everyone's been in a sorta bad mood today... WE LOST AT SEMI-FINALS. Oh well. I guess some people just like to mope. :)
You know how everyone refers to "creative juices" as things supposedly in your brain? Why would they say that? I just wonder, how do they know that it's in the brain? What if it's in... the liver? Or some other organ? Maybe inspiration comes from the foot? Haha, that may sound rediculous, but WHO KNOWS?! No one, of course. But maybe, someday i may be right. [Yea, im conceited like that.] :)
So, this one time, i was in the car going somewhere, and i saw a yello fire hydrant. Why do i remember that? I dont really know. But probably because, i dont usually see yello fire hydrants. Aren't they usually red? Also, i dont see fire hydrants, period(.) The thing is, i read some book about keeping a writer's notebook and to record all the things you see, so that you could write about it later. I guess they were right. I should start a writer's notebook. I SHOULD START A WRITER'S NOTEBOOK! Ok then, its decided, Ralph and I will go get a notebook right away. Stashed somewhere around here...
[cyclones through entire place*]
[snatches beat-up notebook*]
And in this beat-up notebook here, i shall keep notes of the tiny little things that will inspire me and my foot. :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense

The moon shines above us all
In the distant
The wind howls in our ears
Bites at what is not covered by cotton
Draws out a path for all things surrendered
The snow covers all that is green
Lands on our shoulders
Turns us white with frost
I'm here
Conquering the cold
With no one to keep me warm
I see your shadow
Blurry beyond the horizon
Gone, forever more

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Day In Events #3

Soo... Today, in class, we were talking about the weekend, and our teacher said, "I saw lots of coyotes. Red coyotes." And then he added, "Because they were run over by lots of cars. Exactly why they're red." We also talked about thermal underwear. Our class had a fit. :) And then, in pe, we played basketball, and we had a game of "white shoes vs. black shoes". It was so racist, i tell you. Later, i had to wash like 50,000,000 dishes, just because it was good development for my character. YEA, THEY SAY THAT IN PRISON, WHEN THE PEOPLE START CHOPPING ROCKS OR SOMETHING. O_o

Then, i had some fun selling hair, for those people who liked to clone others. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY SOME?! ONLY 2.99 + TAX AND SHIPPING! A great deal, a great deal indeed.

I started reading this book, that was about art and stuff. And then i came upon the funniest thing: [not exact quote] When the Germans abolished "degenerate" art, meaning modern art that was disproved by Hitler, they set up a show, to stress the meaning that it was "bad" and "unaccepted". Thus explaining the reason why they were taken away by the government. However, children were not allowed into the show because the art was labled "pornographic". AHAHAHAHA isnt that funny?! :) Ok well, forgive me if you have a bad sense of humor. :P RALPH LIKED IT! :]